Let's go to Florida, shall we?
One of my favorite views (from our fantastic Delta flight!) is that of the entirety of Cape Cod. As long as the drive is from Boston to Provincetown, it's amazing how small the Cape actually is.
It was somewhat late when we landed, which afforded us enough time for dinner and a shower. But on the second day, we immediately hit the beach! Todd was only in Florida with us for two whole days, so he needed to get all of the beach time in that he could!
For dinner, my parents treated us to a fantastic meal at the Salt Rock Grill. Ok Todd. We get it. You look young. You can stop looking younger than me now!
THIS PICTURE. My beautiful sister-in-law Brie is a vegetarian. My brother is not. (Don't worry folks, they make it work). LOOK AT HER FACE!!!! Classic.
After dinner, since Cory and Brie were kid-less, we hit up the Red Lion pub for some pool and foosball. I look like a professional here, but I can assure you this is not my game.
Thankfully the weather was pretty good the next morning so we went out on the boat with Nana and Pop Pop. This little boy was over the moon that he got to drive the boat!
Shiver me timbers, there's a pirate ship ahead!
I don't think there's anywhere else on earth I'd rather be. Something about the boat and the water is so calming to me. We took a great little ride up to Caladesi and then back down to Clearwater for lunch.
I swear this was before we had drinks at lunch. Yeah, just let him drive by himself. He's gotta learn sometime, right!? (Don't fret... Nana was right behind him.) Grant drove us to Frenchy's for lunch!
Gah! These two! ❤ ❤ ❤
Clowning around on the Frenchy's turtle after a yummy lunch and drinks.
The dock where we parked has this hammerhead hanging from it. So silly!
It's tradition to yell when you go under a bridge! Yahoooo!
Giddy with excitement over driving the boat with Pop Pop!
Unfortunately, there was something wrong with the motor (more the water cooling system that keeps it from overheating) so we had to head home after lunch. Hello Pete the Pelican!
My dad was so sweet and got Todd and I a couple of tickets to see the Rays and Red Sox during Todd's really short stay in Florida. We love going over to check out the smelly Ray tank!
The seats were awesome... and the score was even better! The Sox won 8-3 and Pedroia, Jackie Bradley, Jr. and Hanley Ramirez all hit home runs!
Funniest story... thank GOODNESS Todd was there for me today. One of the players hit a foul ball that came SCREAMING at my face during the game. Todd put both of his hands out to catch the ball (and of course, dropped it, thereby earning him the nickname, "Frying Pan Hands" from the guys behind us). But he saved my face! It was the craziest thing... I saw it coming right for me, like in a movie where they show the object coming toward the person it's about to hit. Todd hurt his hand but my nose is still intact!
Since Todd was leaving the next day, I FORCED him to come outside and have a drink with me after the baseball game (something we love to do when we are in Florida). I lived to regret it as I got about 10 mosquito bites when I was out there. But I managed to capture some stellar lightning photos!
Lightning storm over Tampa Bay.
We were really sad when Daddy had to leave early in the morning to fly back to Germany. The blow was softened a bit by a visit from our favorite little people... Greta and James!
Nana even got in the pool and tried to catch the speedy swimmer Grant (who finally was confident enough to swim without floaties this year).
Greta dancing to the bubbles.
I caught the cutest picture of Brie and Greta checking out some dolphin that were swimming around our dock. I LOVE this.
On Sunday, Cory was able to score us some INCREDIBLE seats to the Rays-Sox game (last of the four game series). We stocked up on corn dogs and beer... but when I passed the condiments area, I couldn't help but notice -- that is the most neon green relish I have ever seen!
Ummmm, yeah. These seats don't suck.
Sorry this is blurry - my dad took this picture from his television. Look in the upper left! We made it on TV!
Pedey says, "Hey Colleen. Glad you could make it to another game. Lemme hit another homerun for you."
Pedroia scoring on his home run! Unfortunately, the Sox lost 5-3 but I have now seen Pedroia hit HALF of the homeruns he hit through the All Star break. I mean, I'm not gonna SAY it's my presence, but..........
Sunday games are almost always day games, so I got to enjoy yet another beautiful summer evening in Indian Rocks Beach. I seriously NEVER tire of this view. I never tire of these insane thunderstorms.
We spent most of our time in the pool. It was just so convenient! Look at these clowns!
We played the same games Cory and I used to play when we were kids. We'd invent different kind of jumps and then do them. I taught them how to do flips, too! (Off of the bench over on the right that Natalie is sitting on). I think Grant called this one "The Flamingo."
We had a doozie of a storm while we were here, and the tent my dad had put up to give the kids some shade when they wanted to take a break from the pool was literally about to take off in the gust front that preceded the storm. So we ran out there, and my dad is yelling at me to get back inside and I'm yelling at him to get back inside. My dad ties one of the legs to the flagpole (which is set in the ground in concrete).

Meanwhile, the winds are getting stronger so we briefly give up and go inside. The thing starts taking flight, landing partially in the pool and I'm envisioning it crashing into a neighbors glass porch or something (or worse... our own!). So I realize we just need to lower the four corners just a bit and take off the canvas top because the air getting underneath that is what's causing it to lift up. So we run out and do just that, but although it didn't cause any damage to anything else, the damage to the tent had been done because the metal leg tied to the flagpole had been bent. Boooo!
To mourn the loss of our beloved tent, Nat and I went to get manicures and pedicures!
More thunderstorms meant... rainbows! Naturally, the rainbow is leaving it's pot of gold at the wealthiest home in the area. Can't we middle class folks get a break!? HA!
My dad thought it was hilarious that their summer had been very dry until we arrived. Thanks Mother Nature!
After the rain comes the beautiful sunsets. Look at these clouds! The photo isn't blurry. That's how they really looked!
We took a trip to Tampa to meet up with Brie, Greta and James by a few minutes. We planned on hitting up the Art of the Brick exhibit, but it was closed on Tuesdays so we went over to the Glaser Children's Museum instead. It was really fun! Look at my babies! Getting too big!
We got Greta this cute little romper to match Natalie. Brie said she's been wanting to match Mommy lately, so she was so excited. They were so cute playing together!
A little man after my own (and his dad's) heart -- playing with maps!
I turned around and he's sitting in the giraffe basket! Such a silly kid!
When Greta dressed up, James wanted to dress up. He has the funniest demeanor!
Nat and James enjoying a little Dance Party USA.
CHEESE!!! (Note: Both James and Grant are wearing shirts about planets and space, and Nat and Greta are wearing the same outfit - too funny!)
These girls are too stinking beautiful. I've got my eye on you, ladies.
Uncle Coco had a work dinner/party going on in Ybor so we walked to the trolley and caught it over to the New World Brewery.
Here they are taking selfies on Nana's phone. We used her phone to make phone calls since I can't make actual calls in the States on my German phone. But these girls thought it was so funny to take pictures that Nana would later find!
No, Grant isn't drinking a Bud Light. That's a Sprite ha ha. I know we live thousands of miles away, but I hope they always get along and have fun with their cousins!
Dear sweet Uncle Dave wanted to take us all out on his pontoon boat and of course we said YES! You know Grant... he just wants to drive the boat! Dave was working with him on red-right-return.
Another beautiful day for boating.
Pete was there to greet us when we got back from our fantastic boat ride!
And of course, we had to have some fun pool time with Nana when we got back!
The very NEXT day, we met up with Emma and her daughters Coco, Charlie and Winnie at the Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa. Here is the gang watching Wild Africa in the IMAX theater. So much fun!
Winnie's face is cracking me up here. Those goggles are bigger than her head! The girls had so much fun in the Hurricane room! You go inside, put on goggles and headphones and they crank the winds up to hurricane strength - 74 mph!
Coco and Natalie decided to go on the roller coaster simulator together and do the craziest upside down roller coaster they offered! These girls are brave!
Emma and the girls went home, but we decided to stay on and spend some more time at MOSI. Grant really loved the hurricane room, so we did that again!
My buddy outside of his favorite attraction at MOSI!
They also have another miniature version of this upstairs and you can see he doesn't like the noise (no headphones offered on this one!)
FLASHBACKS! FLASHBACKS! Ahhh I miss the world of floodplain management!
"Listen kids... we have to get home in time for dinner. Nana is making her famous fried chicken and mashed potatoes. You don't know HEAVEN until you've tasted this!"
And then came the weekend again. Guess who came to visit me!?! Ayala and her daughter Ellis! YAY! Pre-gaming at lunch is a must.
After lunch, we had Ayala and Ellis check into their hotel, which was in Indian Shores, right across the street from the beach. Ellis and Natalie were instant friends, and of course, we loved that since that meant we could just chat and have some adult beverages. Natalie and Ellis were building homes for the coquinas on the beach!
Grant didn't go to lunch or beach with us because he had gotten up at 4:45 am to go fishing with Uncle Coco and his friends Bobby and James, along with Bobby's son Sawyer. Grant caught a nice little ladyfish, and has a heck of a "one that got away" story!
Nana was super sweet to watch Natalie, Grant and Ellis for the evening (and making tacos!) so Ayala and I could go out to dinner at Salt Rock. We got a pretty sunset (even though we were facing east) and a fantastic meal, wine and dessert!
This one is titled, "Selfie with Stacie's dad's favorite bottle of wine."
Every morning in Florida, I worked very hard on the Sudoku and two of the three crossword puzzles in the Tampa Bay Times. Gotta keep that brain sharp in my old age!
We relaxed and played in the pool on Sunday. It was glorious. Ayala declared she was going to move in with my parents.
Ayala went back to her condo for some peace and quiet, and we kept Ellis for another night. Meanwhile, this bad boy was brewing!
On Monday, I got to see this one! My parents really have the best viewing point for any thunderstorm that happens east of the Pinellas County beaches.
Come on... just onnnnnnne more...
It rained a lot the next day, so we went down to St. Petersburg to Great Explorations. It's a bit young for my kids (which Emma had warned me about), but they had fun anyway.
They particularly enjoyed the little Publix shopping experience.
They also had a great little Bay News 9 room where you could sit in front of the prompter and read the news (they had little scripts prepared).
Natalie: Today's low will be 75. Grant looks bored, ha! I'm glad neither of them wore bright green today!
They put on a great little show about what happens when you mix different "chemicals." This experiment is what happens when you mix soda with Mentos (the fresh maker!). Note the kid high tailing it out of there!
After the Coke and Mentos experiment, we went into the Touch Tunnel (which you can see in the background of the above photo). It's a pitch black tunnel that's covered in carpet. You crawl on your hands and knees and try to feel your way out of the maze. I wasn't sure how Nat would do, as she's claustrophobic in elevators (hmmmm, so maybe a 3x3 pitch black tunnel isn't a good idea?) but she wasn't too freaked out. I had to lead the way, and they followed me. I didn't get any pics though, because duh.....
A couple of days before we were scheduled to leave, we FINALLY got to see the Art of the Brick in Tampa. This incredible exhibit featured a bunch of "greatest hits" of the art world, all done up in Legos! The kids were excited to see Mona Lisa, who they've seen in real life. In fact, they had seen many of the art works featured here!
Still haven't seen Starry Night (for real). But isn't this a good likeness?
The Scream, coming at you live and in 3D.
We've seen her! The Venus de Milo!
I liked this one a lot. Real life is in black and white. Art is full of vibrant color!
Are you kidding me? Greta and Natalie loved this giant T-Rex made out of Legos!
This guy is kind of the face of the exhibit, pouring his rectangular guts out.
I caught this cool pic of Natalie emerging from the shadows to study the Lego tree huggers.
One of the neatest pieces we saw was one titled, "You are Here." It was a miniature version of the entire exhibit. (Note the T-Rex at the very top).
A panorama attempt at capturing "You Are Here." They nailed it with the details!
At the very end, they had a million Legos set up for kids to build things. Greta and James were pretty good at this!
Of course, after we got home, the evening brought more thunderstorms to Tampa Bay.
Cory and Brie came over with the kids on Thursday. I love that we got to see them one more time! We were hanging out by the pool and I asked my mom to take a picture with my phone and this is what I found later! I was dying! Mom: "Well I couldn't figure that thing out!"
She took a nice pic of us though! Brie, Natalie, me, Dad, Cory, Greta and James. Just missing Mom (the photographer), Todd (in Germany) and Grant (who didn't want to swim).
Man, I love these babies. They are so snuggly!
Obligatory Rootie lizard picture.
James wanted to snuggle with the girls while they watched a little TV before they went home!
Me and my bro.
We were trying really hard not to squint! We grew up nice, didn't we?
When your mom packs you ham and cheese sandwiches for the flight back to Boston. It was just so sweet! When we were leaving, I'm really stressed so I tend not to get too emotional. I'm busy packing, repacking, making sure I have everything, freaking out whether we will be late, stressing over the fact that I hate to fly, stressing about the weather... so when I saw my sandwich had my name on it, I actually teared up a bit!
Our fantastic Delta flight to Boston was heavenly. We made it to the Hilton Garden Inn at the airport and the kids immediately wanted to go swimming! This pool needs a swim up bar!
Our flight home to Dusseldorf wasn't until 7 pm, so we had to kill some time on Saturday. First though... morning snuggles with my babies. We were trying to figure out what we were gonna do for the day, knowing we had to get back by 4 to get the bags and head over to the airport.
Let's have some lunch at Legal Seafoods before heading over to the Aquarium!
First stop at the Aquarium was the ray touch tank. Kind of like the one at the Trop! Naturally my kids got soaked doing this. Ugh. Gross.
Grant liked watching the penguins, particularly when they pooped! Boys!
This was TOO FUNNY!!!
Only Natalie wanted to go to the touch tank (non-ray).
Giant sea turtles and hammerhead sharks living in perfect harmony.
Hey there, Myrtle! She's 80 years old and weighs about 500 pounds!
I sent this selfie to Todd to let him know I did not sleep. 0 hours. I actually slept about 9 songs on my phone, whatever that equates to, which I'm guessing is about 35 minutes. When we landed in Dusseldorf, we thought we had about a two hour layover and our flight was going to leave at 9:55 am. But yeah, no. Because our flight was cancelled. And the next one wasn't until 2:25 pm. And I didn't sleep on the plane. The kids slept maybe 2-3 hours (Grant a little more than Natalie, as usual).
Thankfully, the Dusseldorf airport seats don't have arm rests and you can stretch out. Croco enjoys being a pillow! We totally stole those blankets from our Boston-Dusseldorf flight, and we felt really bad about it knowing Air Berlin was about to go bankrupt, but for my children's comfort, we thought it would be nice to have to try to nap on our "two hour layover." After the cancelled flight, we didn't even feel bad about stealing them!
Finally, we left Dusseldorf, thankfully on time. I snapped this super awesome pic of the barges and cruise ships on the Rhine as we took off!
Croco was thrilled to finally get home! Until next time, Florida!