Sunday, June 30, 2024

June Chaos ... I mean... Fun!

This is more like a photo dump of things we did this summer that didn't involve a big summer trip!

Natalie took the SAT's down in Rhode Island the first weekend in June so I went for a little hike out to Rome Point to check out the oyster farms.

It was a beautiful morning and I had the beach all to myself! (Well, mostly!)

Meanwhile, across the state, Grant was running in the middle school state track meet! What!? He qualified in the 100 meter and the 4x400 relay! One of his teammates in the 4x400 relay couldn't be at the state meet and they won't let you substitute at the middle school level so he only ran the 100 meter - and he didn't come in last!

The day after the state track meet and SATs, we took the kids to Fenway Park for the FIRST time ever!

And this is why it was the first time ever!

Grant actually said the game was really fun! We did take him to a Portland Sea Dogs game a couple of years ago but we sat out on the outfield wall, away from other people!

Bailey's at Fenway Park!

I have been trying for years to get tickets to one of these games in the peanut-free section and have never been able to until this year. We would definitely love to do it again!

It wasn't looking good for the Red Sox, so Todd and I put our rally caps on!

And as a result, we all got on the jumbotron at Fenway!

Awww, miss you, Rem-Dawg!

We really had a great day at Fenway - the kids even got some Red Sox t-shirts!

My new favorite thing is my bird feeder that has a video camera attached to it so I can watch the birds alllll day! I'm literally obsessed.

Grant "graduated" from 8th grade and they had a little ceremony that he was NOT happy that he had to attend.

And of COURSE, we had the annual Bailey family party at our house!

It was well attended by much of the local Bailey family.

We always celebrate both Father's Day AND both Natalie and Warren's birthday, which are only five days apart.

Bean cutting into his birthday cake on his ACTUAL birthday!

Everyone hanging out having some cake - but what is Grant doing on the stairs!?

Nauni just doing Nauni things with Natalie!

In all the other photos, GoGo and Seth were right next to me and not in the picture - so here they are!

Hello there.

This is becoming sort of a tradition at this party.

After the party was over, Todd grabbed the basketball and we played a little family basketball.

And of course, we celebrated Father's Day by going to Stone's Public House for some dinner.

Todd being his usual weirdo self as he opened up his Father's Day presents. 

When school ended, Natalie and her friends drove into Boston and spent the day - this was when they were sitting in traffic.

My bestie, her daughter and her daughter's friend all came up to Boston to visit and to see Lana del Rey at Fenway Park.  They came up a day early so we could walk around and see some of the city. Would you believe this is the ONLY picture I took all day? 

The next day, before the concert, we all went to the New England Aquarium, which was even better than I remember!  This guy was Renna's favorite fish - Rocco!

Rocco was super funny because he looked like he had teeth!

They also have one of the biggest sea turtles I have EVER seen. This guy was ginormous!

He definitely knew he was on camera!

One of our favorite creatures of the deep was the octopus, who also appeared to know that (s)he had a crowd watching. The octopus was so billowy and fascinating!

After a fun few hours at the Aquarium, we went over to Legal Seafoods for some lunch! Time for a bestie selfie!

But the REAL reason everyone was here was the Lana del Rey concert!  Natalie already had tickets to go with her friends (they took the train into the city) but we were able to meet up with her for a bit to snap some cute pictures.

While you might look at this picture and think, "What a lovely evening for a concert!" - it was anything BUT that. It was for sure 9,000 degrees AND what you can't see above is the impending storm clouds coming in from the northwest.

We tried to stay in good spirits, even though everyone was disappointed that there was a VERY long lightning delay.

And because of the long lightning delay AND the noise ordinance around Fenway, Lana del Rey DID play but it was a very shortened show.  She only played for about 1 hour and 15 minutes but it was a jam packed show with special guests and plenty of dancing.

No kidding, the very day AFTER the Lana del Rey concert, the Bailey's took the train BACK into the city so we could celebrate the Celtics NBA World Championship win! (This phrase always kills me... World Champions of a sport that we don't allow teams from outside of North America!)  Maybe we could rename it "Continental Champions?"

There's always a lot of debauchery going on at these parades. No sooner had Todd taken this picture that a police officer showed up!

We took so many pictures and video, but Todd took his best ones and zipped them up into a couple of collages.

We love that Al Horford finally got his ring! 

And Natalie was thrilled to see both Porziņģis (in the photo above this one) and Deuce Tatum, Jayson Tatum's son who is a staple in the Celtics locker room. He's kind of like a little mascot.

Let's not forget that Natalie also turned 17 in June! On her actual birthday, she went to the concert, but I told her she could eat cake for breakfast on her birthday because we wouldn't be together in the evening.  And this is why you see her blowing out candles on a half eaten cake! Everyone dug in before we even got to this part!

And lastly, hydrangeas are having a BANNER SUMMER across New England!  This is my favorite flower so it makes me SO HAPPY!!!

And we're on to July!

The Bailey Planet

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers