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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Eye of the World

Okay. I admit I'm a complete dork for loving this book. See, back in February, Todd and I made a little bet. If I won the bet, he had to read Jodi Picoult's "My Sister's Keeper." If he won the bet, I had to read "The Eye of the World" by Robert Jordan. Hmmm, I guess you can tell who won. I was very reluctant at first to read this. I whined a lot about it. "Do I have to????" Todd is a very fair person, so I had to be equally fair and honor our bet. So I started reading it a few weeks ago. I LOVE IT! I'm totally hooked. It's the first in an 11 book series called the "Wheel of Time", and all of the books are about as long as the first one, which is 782 pages long. This book follows the adventures of Rand Al'Thor and his friends from the Two Rivers (Emond's Field) and their fight against "The Dark One." It reminds me a bit of the TV show Heroes in that sometimes, you aren't quite sure who is good, and who is evil! (Especially with the secondary characters, but even sometimes with the main characters).
To be fair to the world of fantasy books/movies, I really enjoyed watching the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy (also something I did not think I would like). I already have books 2 and 3 of the Wheel of Time series lined up at home, ready to read. Todd is waiting for book 4 from the library. They are making these books into a movie (allegedly) too, which is pretty cool. I guess they are still in talks with Universal about the rights/legal issues, etc. So production is still a long way off. I thoroughly recommend this book, even if you don't like fantasy type reading. Kind of like how a lot of people didn't think they would like the Twilight series (which I haven't read) because it had vampires in it- but everyone seems to love those books!