We had a fun weekend in the Bailey household and even more fun is on the horizon. I am 16 weeks today (very exciting) and have my next appointment on Friday. Not much to report probably (they don't do much at these appointments) but our big ultrasound is June 5th, so get ready for the big announcement!
Friday evening, Todd, Natalie and I took a walk to the library, and then stopped at Pizza Plus on our way home. Natalie at 1.5 pieces of pizza!!!!! I was very impressed. She is so funny and friendly with everyone. She was waiving and saying "Hi guys!" to all of the men working in the pizza place. Then the delivery guy came in with his pizza bag and Natalie called it a backpack! She is so smart sometimes.
Saturday, we went down to Fan Pier in Boston for the Volvo ocean race festivities. These boats are sailing around the world, and their next stop is Galway, Ireland. So they had an Irish festival with music and Guinness. Natalie LOVED the dancers. Hopefully I can get the video of her dancing posted before we go to Florida on Saturday (although smugmug has been having some technical difficulties lately). It was priceless! Then we went to eat at a sports bar (yes, we take our kid to eat at bars!) and Natalie ate "fish nuggets." We find if we call anything nuggets, she is more likely to eat them! Even though it was just a fish-n-chip platter.
Sunday, we spent most of the day at home before heading over to Helen's house after Natalie's nap. Todd and I went to the Celtics-Magic game (game 7 of the Semi-finals!), and Natalie got to play with Helen and Lauren. They went to the park, and had pizza for dinner. Apparently, Lauren got Natalie ready for bed, and when she was in her pack-n-play, Natalie said, "I love you Lulu!" Helen said it brought tears to her eyes!!!!
Unfortunately, the game did not turn out in our favor (let's just say, it was a beat down by the Magic!). But we had fun anyway. Todd, Ryan, OB, and I went to the Fours for dinner, and then to the game. The boys drank beer, I ate ice cream! We were really bummed about the score though. The Celtics just didn't have it. Maybe next year.
Now we are getting ready for our big trip to Florida on Saturday! I really can't wait. I'm a little nervous about the flight down there. 3.5 hours on a plane with Natalie at 3 pm (waaaay past nap time) should be interesting. I hope she's so tired that she passes out for most of the flight, but I have a feeling it will be the opposite. That she'll be SO tired that she can't sleep! I really hope the hum of the engines will lull her to sleep. Pray for us!!!!!
Have a fun trip to Florida! - and I somehow think that Pizza will be on the menu after reading this blog entry. :)