This post is for my friend Buzz, who says I don't blog enough. I'm trying to find little things in my life that are worthy of blogs, but most days, it's the same ol' same ol'. Do people really want to read about what I had for dinner last night, or how Todd and I folded Natalie's clothes? Or how we watched the Red Sox sweep the Yankees, but since I'm pregnant and tired, I fell asleep in the 8th inning? Really, it's pretty boring stuff on a daily basis. Really, the most interesting part of our lives is Natalie. She really grows so much developmentally on a weekly or even daily basis.
Lately, Natalie's imagination is really starting to bloom. I had a very active imagination as a child, and I'm very excited for this phase in her life. Although I never realized until now that there is a fine line between developing a creative imagination and developing a little liar! Let me begin by saying that this all happened between Todd and Natalie and I was not there, so if I get the little details wrong, Todd can correct me. :-) Yesterday, Natalie announced to Todd, "I go on the bus today!" Todd, knowing she did not go on a bus yesterday, said, "Oh really? Where did you go on the bus?" Natalie said, "I go to school." Okay good. Just like her friend Mia at daycare who goes on the bus several days a week to pre-school (Mia is 3 years old). So Todd asks her, "What did you learn about in school today?" Natalie thinks about it, and says, "Um... uh... um... uh... OWLS!!!"