Here is a picture of me at 27 weeks. Not much else to say about that, except I'm getting BIG. He's gonna be a big boy.
Natalie had her ENT appointment this morning. It got postponed from yesterday because the doctor got called into emergency surgery. So we went to the doctor and Natalie kept saying, "We go to Mommy's doctor!" because the last time we went to a doctor, it was mine. So we had to explain to her that this was Natalie's doctor! She was fine until we had to go back and meet with the audiologist. She had a hearing test that involved sitting in a room on daddy's lap and hearing whistle type noises and watching some battery powered bears clap and make noise. (Kind of reminded me of Chuck E Cheese's!). She cried a little bit during that but basically sat quietly on daddy's lap with her hands over her ears. (It's like she knew we were there for her ears...). She didn't really want to participate, so all he could tell us was that he was sure she could hear, although he couldn't be 100% sure she could hear out of both ears because she "wasn't playing his game." ha ha. She is way too smart for her age and far too aware of everything going on around her for that.
Then the poor audiologist had to blow a little air into her ears with a special machine to see if there was fluid in her middle ear. He said her right ear was great, but the left ear was not as clear. Natalie of course, screamed and cried the whole time, and even threw up a bit again. Thankfully it wasn't much, and we came prepared with wipes, tissues, and a change of clothes!
Next was the visit with the actual doctor, who was very nice and recommended that she have tubes put in. (Well duh, we knew that!). He had to take a quick glance in her ears, and of course, that set her off again. Unbelievable. I've never known a kid to have THAT much doctor anxiety. Especially when none of what they did was painful to her. She just really hates being poked and prodded, especially by strangers, and most especially by male strangers!
So anyway, given what you just read... September 2nd should be a real adventure. That is when she is getting her tubes. It's on a Wednesday, and we definitely could use the prayers for patience and calmness! (For all 3 of us!). The surgery itself only takes a few minutes, but they have to put her under a light anesthetic so she doesn't squirm (and you KNOW she would!). It's getting the anesthetic in her that worries me... it's going to be seriously traumatic for all of us, but will be SO much better in the long run once she stops getting these ear infections!
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