Sunday, January 15, 2012

Natalie's January artwork

I think I'm going to start a new feature on this blog called "Natalie's artwork."  Natalie just loves art and doing crafts and projects.  She's actually pretty creative. I think she gets that from daddy, who is actually a pretty good artist, especially when compared to mommy's stick figure art.

This guy above is a pine cone on skis.  See, he has popsicle stick legs, poles made of straws, and you can see all of the shiny snow on the plate.  Isn't this great?

One of my favorite things she does at school is work on her letters, and then draw pictures of things that start with that particular letter.  Great umbrella (she is going through a rainbow phase right now), not so sure what is going on with the unicorn or the good ole' US of A though!  Too cute!

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