Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Daddy's Birthday

Happy birthday to my honey!

Daddy and his babies on his birthday, which was this year, unfortunately, the day after the Marathon.  He hasn't had very good luck in years past with his birthday (Oklahoma City, Virginia Tech shootings, Columbine, Waco, Boston Marathon, etc.) but we do the best we can to give him a special day!

 Cupcakes and ice cream are a must!

Blowing out his candles with Grant, Pop Pop and Natalie.

It's a beautiful butterfly that Natalie made!

Kiddos helping daddy open up his cards and gifts.  We love you Daddy!  We hope you had a very good birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday week, Todd!! Love the pictures. Looks like a fun time. Just be sure and stretch that birthday out all weekend. One day isn't long enough! Love, Buzz & Tom, Dolly, Franklin and Tyler


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