Every year, Todd's brother and his family come up from Maryland to spend the week after Christmas with the family. Now that we live in Massachusetts, we only get to see them twice a year.
So we spent 4 days in Plymouth at Todd's parents house among the chaos of the large Bailey family. There were 19 for dinner!!! Not to mention 3 dogs (thank goodness Koal didn't come!) It's always chaotic and so much fun.

And each year, the kids, because there are so darn many of them, do a gift exchange. Lauren got Natalie this year, and she got a super cool singing and dancing Foofa doll (from the kids show Yo Gabba Gabba). She also got the littlest Pet Shop. Lauren had this toy at her house, and Natalie always plays with it when we visit. Natalie and Grant, because they are still little, got showered with too many presents to even mention on this blog. I couldn't believe it. They really spoil her rotten!

And as usual, there was lots to eat and drink. Whew... was there ever!!! You know Todd loves to take pictures of his food...

Everyone got a little Grantie snuggle time in.

Lastly, this is the first year Grant got to be in the Bailey cousins annual photo. This is it... the family is complete, although Carole would love for me to give her an even number "10"! Here is the annual picture!
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