Monday, August 30, 2010

Natalie's first day of preschool

Natalie started preschool this morning and is in the Teddy Bears class at FACE preschool in Natick.  Sniff sniff.  Her backpack made her look so tiny as she walked into the school.  Both Todd and I went and she played in the classroom for a few minutes before we decided to leave.  There was only 1 other little boy there at 7:30.  Don't these parents work??? Even after dropping her off at 7:30, I still didn't get to work until 8:45 and I was on the express train! One of her teachers said that some of the kids wouldn't be starting until next Tuesday (after Labor Day).  Natalie was most looking forward to playing on the playground and seeing her best friend Gaby.  Gaby is actually in the Chipmunks class, but I'm sure Natalie will see her at some point during the day. 

Natalie's first day of preschool is complete!  And she had a great time!  Here she is in the living room before we left with her backpack on:

And here's Grant and Natalie on the front porch before we left for school and daycare:

She was very cute in the morning.  As we were walking toward the school in the parking lot, Daddy took her hand which she held for a few moments before she said, "Daddy, I don't need to hold your hand because I'm a big girl!"

Once we got there, Natalie found out where her hook for her backpack is:

She had a great day and the teacher had nothing but good things to report about her.  She ate Cherrios with milk for breakfast, and for lunch, they had brunch!  She told us they had waffles and cucumbers for lunch, but I can't quite figure that out!  Some kids didn't nap, but Natalie definitely did.  In fact, they only napped for about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes, which is definitely NOT long enough for her.  Natalie normally naps for 3 hours.  So to cut that to less than half, she is definitely going to be a little grumpy in the evenings until she adjusts (oh please, let her adjust! This evening was not fun...) 

Above is Natalie with one of the teachers, Doreen.  She was getting ready to wave at us out the window, which she thought was pretty funny.  Natalie was also very good about using the potty and asked her teachers whenever she had to go.  She also stayed dry during her nap, which is sometimes hit or miss at home, but like I mentioned, she usually sleeps for 3 hours at home! She did see her friend Gaby, but I'm not sure for how long.  She also made a new friend when playing in the sandbox outside.  She couldn't remember her name but she said she had black hair like mine.  (HA HA, my hair is brown).  She also got to make a crown that she colored and put stickers on.  Of course, she was the only kid who had to have an "extender" because her head is so big! HA!  Overall it was a great first day!

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