Monday, February 28, 2011

Grant's 15 month statistics (at 16 months)

We were a little slack in getting an appointment for Grant at 15 months.  So it happened at 16 months.  And here are the statistics:  Height: 32 and 3/4" (85th percentile).  He grew 2" in four months.  Weight: 25 pounds (50th percentile).  He put on 2.5 pounds in four months.  Head circumference:  49 cm (90th percentile).  His head grew 1.5 cm in four months. 

He's also no longer going to be taking "infants" Tylenol and Motrin.  He's moving up to the big boy stuff!

Additionally, he got two shots this morning.  His MMR (gulp!) and his second pneumococcal vaccine.  

I was concerned that he wasn't talking as much as Natalie... of course, even before he was born, I KNEW I was going to be worried about this!   At 16 months, he still only says "Da Da", "Wassat?" (What's that?), "Shit" (no, seriously, he says this.  If you try to ask him to say "shoe," he actually says "shit!"), and a couple of other random words that he's said in the past.  I've heard him say "Pop Pop" once or twice, which is about the same number of times he's said "Ma ma."  My dad would be so excited if he heard this!  Once Grant said the word, "Purple."  Very strange.  If you ask him what the cow says, he says, "Booooo!"  He just can't seem to get that M sound yet!  He understands a lot of what we say, for the most part.  If we say, "Where's Grant?" He will cover his eyes and laugh as he peeks out from behind them.  We are trying to work on some sign language with him, and he can do "more" and "all done" but doesn't really use them unless we do it first.  So we think- is he really all done?  Or is he just mimicking what I'm doing???  Also, admittedly, the poor guy is totally second born.  We don't do near the amount of work with him that we should do.  Life gets in the way. (More to the point... a feisty 3 year old gets in the way!)

Dr. Meisheid thinks Grant is developing just fine.  Since he's working on his walking, she said he probably wouldn't be progressing as much verbally.  Once he starts walking, we might notice him picking up some more words. 

Speaking of walking, this past Friday (2/25/11), Grant took his first real steps!  He took 2 big steps toward me before falling on his bum.  Since then, he's taken 2 or 3 here and there.  He understands when I say, "Walk Grant, use your feet!"  He also understands "no hands!" because this is something we've been working on lately.  He's a great cruiser along the furniture, and lately we say, "No hands!" and he lets go and can stand by himself for 10 seconds or so.  (A good long time in a baby's world!) 

You might remember, I did say that he would start walking at 16 months... and as I recall during Natalie's physical therapy days, they consider it "first steps" if they take 3 steps in a row! 

I may have mentioned that Grant also has eczema.  Poor little guy.  There's not much you can do about it, other than give him hydrocortizone.  She said it should get better in the summer, and I recall it was significantly less last summer. 

Also of note... his ears and tubes look great!

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