Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sickness be gone!

I am so tired of being sick, or having someone in my house who is sick.  Seriously.  Winter, GO AWAY!  I need to open the windows and let all of the sickness out.

Grant had his tubes put in on January 5th. I went to Arizona the following weekend and came back with a cold.  The kids came down with it too, and Natalie got an ear infection from it.  From that, we were told, "Natalie is getting tubes AGAIN, and having her adenoids removed on February 16."  OK, great.  She did antibiotics for 10 days.  She completed it on February 1, and by February 5th, had another cold which she promptly gave to her brother.  Grant has been a SNOT MACHINE.  I really can't believe such a little thing can produce so much snot.  And of course, other than a little Motrin or Tylenol, you can't give kids anything for their symptoms.  So they suffer.  On February 11, Natalie comes down with another ear infection.  Which is perfect timing (!!!) since Todd had a little surgical procedure himself on the 11th, and was unable to do anything with the kids (ie, picking them up, cooking dinner, giving baths, etc.).  On about the same day, I start feeling crummy... so make that 4 people in the house who are not well.  But someone has to feed the kids, and Todd can't do it, so in my misery, I have to play single mom all weekend.  (Shout out to my single mom friends, you guys are the best!!!)  Grant is grumpy and snotting all over the place, neither kid is napping very well, and Natalie has an ear infection and can't take Motrin because she is having surgery on the 16th and Motrin thins the blood.  We have really found Motrin to be the most effective with both kids, but had to resort to Tylenol with Natalie, which doesn't last as long (4 hour cycles as opposed to 6 hours with Motrin).  So she's back on antibiotics, and seems to be doing much better with her cold.  In fact, she's hardly coughing or producing snot at all.  Grant might be turning the corner too... he seemed MUCH better this morning after having a fever last night. 

Hopefully Natalie's surgery on Wednesday will go off without a hitch.  Within 6 weeks, 3 out of the 4 members of our family will have had surgery.  I'm praying I stay healthy!

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