Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Natalie's 6 Year Stats & Height Predictor

Natalie had her 6-year appointment today (ok, we're about 3 months late, but you know how it is getting in to see a doctor for a yearly checkup!)  She is 46.5" tall (3'10 and 1/2") which is in the 58th percentile, and weighs 52#, which is in the 76th percentile.  She's up 3" from last year, and gained 10#!  She had a bit of trouble with the vision in her left eye, but passed her eye test anyway. 

This all got me thinking about how tall she might be as an adult.  I saw online several ways of "predicting" adult height.  Now before you get all crazy saying, "There's no possible way to predict adult height!" - I already know that!  But this is all in good fun.  Hopefully we can come back here in another 20 years and see if it was true!

Some places (ie: Mayo Clinic) say that doubling their height at age 2 is a good indicator.  Grant was 34.75" at 2 years which = about 5'9 and a half! HA!  Natalie was 34" at 2 years which = about 5'8!  So apparently Natalie got Todd's height and Grant got mine?!?!  They also said you could try this: 

- Add the mother's height and the father's height in either inches or centimeters.
- Add 5 inches (13 centimeters) for boys or subtract 5 inches (13 centimeters) for girls.
- Divide by two.

Me = 63" and Todd = 76".  63+76 = 139.  For Grant, +5 = 144/2 = 72" or 6' even.  For Natalie, 139-5"= 134/2 = 67" which is 5'7! 

It says most children will reach their adult height within 4" of this estimation (um... 4" either way is a pretty big differential!) When I was a kid, doctors told my parents I would be 5'6".  I'm actually about 5'3" - and although that falls within their threshold... there's a big difference between 5'6" and 5'3"!

Another "calculator" I played around with said Natalie would be 5'5" and Grant would be a little over 5'10 based on their current height (or Natalie's current height, I used Grant's 3 year statistics and said he was only 3 years old).  My short genes are strong!

So, will Natalie be 5'5", 5'7", or 5'8"?  And will Grant be 5'9 and a half, 5'10" or 6' tall?  Stay tuned!

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