Sunday, July 15, 2012

2012 CrossFit Games

I was fortunate enough to get to go to the 2012 CrossFit Games in Torrance, California this summer!  Fortunate that I got a ticket- from Brian "Big Bri" Curley, 2010 Master's World Champion (he came in 9th this year!) and fortunate that Todd watched the kids for a few days while I went out there.  I cashed in my SkyMiles and went first class baby!

Above, Lisa "Lisa8" Mikkelson, who was on the team last year and this year decided to go the Master's route, does a rope climb. 

Our team didn't fare as well as we did last year.  Unfortunately, we lost some team members.  Lisa8 decided to go master's and Sonia now goes to CrossFit Bridgewater and was heavily pregnant in July.  Heather Bergeron had just had a baby in May, although she was a member of the team.  Above, the team had to do a group prowler push and then pull (on the "Big Bob") down the length of a football field.  Well, it had just rained, and we were in lane 1, which is where all of the water from the field drained to.  Unfortunately, it caused a huge disadvantage for the team and they came in 39th place.  Mel and Kevin are in the picture above.  Also, right before this WOD happened, my dad called to tell me my grandmother had passed away. 

The next event was max front squats.  Above Mel works on the front squats that preceded the triplet.  We came in tied for 12th. 

You can see were in Lane 6 (still so fun to see their name "in lights!")  Next up was the team triplet, which was totally their wheelhouse.  They were FLYING.  

Part of the triplet included holding heavy weight overhead (see Derek above) while their opposite sex counterpart did burpee plate jumps (onto a 45# plate).   We came in 2nd place in this!

I probably enjoyed watching the master's compete more than anything.  It's always so much fun to watch Big Bri just put his whole heart and soul into competing.  You can tell in his burpee plate jumps above (similar to what the team did), he's totally exhausted.  But he never quits, he just keeps going!

No kidding, he does this in the gym too!  Well, we all kind of do...

Here I am with Cindy and Katrina sporting our Fuel for Fire t-shirts... that stuff is YUMMY.  Check out their website link Fuel for Fire.  Even Natalie loves this stuff!  She couldn't get enough of the Sweet Potato Apple flavor!  I personally enjoy Banana Chocolate! 

I didn't get any pictures of the Yoke and the Rope Climb/Cleans.  Thankfully.  The 20' rope climbs appeared to be quite challenging as you had to maintain control all the way to the ground.  We came in 9th and 27th, respectively.  Next up was max bar muscle ups- which I'm sure are fairly easy for Mel given her gymnastics background!  The men tied for 10th, the ladies tied for 9th.  Lastly, there was a team chipper that we did pretty well in - 6th place - but it wasn't enough to get us to "the Girls" on Sunday (Fran, Elizabeth, Diane, Karen, Isabel, and Grace).  We came in 12th place overall.

Meanwhile, back at the Master's stadium, Big Bri maintains the standard by getting his chin over the bar.  

See the pretty lady in pink?  That's Lisa Mikkelson, who was the 2012 MASTER'S CHAMPION for women ages 45-49!  She is unbelievable.  Fittest in the world for her age division and she had an injury!!!! (Her Achilles, I think). 

I wouldn't be a good crossfitter if I didn't show the men's champion, Rich Froning.  I *might* have a little crush on him... perhaps you can see why, even if you can't see his face!  Here he is doing double unders.  He was both the 2011 and 2012 champ.  Iceland Annie won the women's (again!).  

Overall, it was a good trip, although very exhausting since I only went out there for 3 nights.  I then had to turn around and go to Cincinnati about 24 hours after I got back.  I predict a 2013 CFNE comeback!!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Natick 4th of July Parade

We weren't sure the Natick 4th of July parade was going to happen this year- one because they've had a hard time finding someone to oversee it, and two because it POURED about an hour or so before the parade was about to start!  But by the time the parade started, it was beautiful!  We enjoyed our usual pancake and sausage breakfast sponsored by the Kiwanis Club.  Well... I should say that the kids enjoyed it, since we don't eat that!  We didn't get off to a good start, because it was raining, Todd forgot his wallet, then the sun came out and we didn't have sunscreen, so he had to run back home a few times.  Very frustrating.  But alas, the parade was a hit!

The kids were in their seats for the start of the parade!

Here comes the start of the parade!  We took our usual seats on the west side of 135, south of Main Street.  This is the 4th year we've gone to the parade.

 Grant decided for a while, he wanted to play cars with Daddy.  This was, of course, after the firetrucks came though.  Natalie, Todd and I wore earplugs.  Grant wanted to hear the whole thing, and did.

It's not a Natick 4th of July parade without good ol' Rex Trailer!  He's still singing!  Happy 4th of July Rex!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Natalie's Gymnastics Birthday Party

In addition to the party we had at home with the family, Natalie had a birthday party with her friends at the place where she goes to gymnastics- Planet Gymnastics.  It's a great little place for a party- kids get lots of exercise, the folks who work there do all of the cleanup, and all you have to do is bring a cake!  DONE!

Natalie was THRILLED that one of the two coaches for the party was Miss Holly, her teacher from this past year!  Here she is explaining the rules to all of the girls.

Natalie is my little dare devil.  Above, she had to jump several feet and grab onto the bar, then swung into the foam pit!  You'd never find Grant doing this!

"Hey Gaby, you come to this gym often?"

I somehow caught this cute picture of Lyndsey giving Natalie a big hug.  Lyndsey and Natalie were really good friends this year!  They're both really sad that they're going to different elementary schools.

Next up was a game where you had to throw the blocks to the other side and try to get as many on the other side as possible.  Like their hot potatoes or something.  The team that has the most blocks on their side actually loses.

The birthday kid always gets to be put in a jumping/flying contraption and swing around the gym like they are flying.  Miss Holly is strapping Natalie in.  When she was swinging back and forth, Natalie was saying, "I'm flying!  I'm a real fairy!"  SO cute.

 Because we had the 5 pm time slot, we provided pizza for the kids (all girls except Grant and Stanley!).  Natalie got to sit in the "queen chair" while we ate pizza, cake and ice cream!

 I got this AMAZING cake from this great little bakery in Westborough, the Bagel Bistro.  Amazing, huge, and beautiful cakes, and they aren't super expensive.  I highly recommend them!  They are actually very tasty too!  Happy 5th birthday to my Sweet Pea!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Grant brushing his teeth

This is the way Grant brushes his teeth.  It's a bird!  It's a plane!  It's Super Tooth Brusher!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Natalie's actual 5th birthday

I couldn't help but post this adorable picture of Natalie.  She normally doesn't show her teeth when she smiles... and I finally got her to show teeth.  Isn't she the most beautiful little 5 year old you've ever seen???

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Natalie and Bean's birthday party & Father's Day

In June, we invited the entire Bailey clan to our house for some birthday fun.  Bean's birthday is 5 days before Natalie's, so we celebrated both.  KK made an AMAZING cake (complete with fondant!) of Merliah the Mermaid from the Barbie mermaid fame.  I love the graham cracker "sand"! 

Natalie and Bean cut their birthday cake.  I'm sure Bean was thrilled to get a Barbie mermaid cake!  Grant and Seth anxiously await their piece of cake!

I love this picture of Seth helping Grant go down the slide.  Grant fell off the slide a few weeks before this and was really scared.  So Seth helped him go down and he actually didn't cry!  Big cousins GoGo and LuLu supervise.

The three youngest cousins, Seth, Natalie and Grant as they are waiting to open Natalie's presents.

We also celebrated Father's Day!  Lots of food, presents and balloons!  (And um... beer and sangria!)  It was a nice day, but it was actually a little cool- notice how everyone has a jacket on!  In June! Unbelievable.

I still can't believe Natalie is 5- and Bean is... well, a little older than that!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Grant (2 y.o.): "I see Jesus." (Pointing to a cemetery.)
Colleen: "Really? Where is he?"
Grant: "He's hiding in the bushes."


Saturday, June 9, 2012

June Fun

We did a lot this summer, but didn't take a lot of pictures in the process.  Just one or two here or there.

First, we had Natalie's gym show.  We took a lot of video, but hardly any pictures and we weren't exactly in the best location for pictures anyway.  Above, she's working on her wall walks, aka: handstands during the obstacle course portion of the show.  Below, she's getting her medal. Please note that she has pink bear in her hand.  She had a little separation anxiety attack before the show (complete with screaming and crying because she didn't want to be away from mommy and daddy).  She's been going through a bit of this ever since we went to Aruba (note: it's now nearly October and she has gotten a little better about it all!)

Next up was a trip to Grammi and Bean's house in Plymouth to celebrate Madison's high school graduation.  Really?  Madison was with Todd (and Kathleen) when I first met Todd 10 years ago.  She was just 8 years old, and now she's already graduating from high school???

It was a really nice weekend, so the kiddos were outside playing.  Grant likes to water plants and Natalie was cooling off in the kiddie pool.

And of course, I've been going to CFNE- above is a picture of my 5:30 am class!  This is my second family.  Below we are doing a pyramid- poor Alison is crooked on top of Big Mike and little Eugene!  My 5:30 am ladies (Sam on the floor, and on top is Katie, Alison, me, Heather and Judi) are the BEST!!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Natalie's final days of preschool

We went to an ice cream social in June just for the Butterfly class kids and their families as they are sending all of their Butterflies off to kindergarten in the fall!

They didn't do a preschool graduation, per say, but they did have this nice little social and even sang some songs that they had practiced and gave out little certificates.

Here is Natalie with some of her best friends, Lorelei, Gaby, and Julia.

The kiddos never turn down an opportunity for ice cream! 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Kare Bear and Josh's wedding!

Kare Bear got married!!! Kare Bear got married!  Such a fun time down in Savannah- not a fun trip getting down there, but it was just so good to see my Auburn girlies again.

Todd and I got on the Boston-Atlanta flight just fine (using my mom's Delta buddy passes- when will we learn!?)  We got to Atlanta, and went to the Savannah gate, and who do we see?  Ayala!  Sweet!  A bestie on my flight? I'll take it!  Of course... I get on the flight, and Todd doesn't.  Uh oh!

Oh but have no fear!  Claudia to the rescue!  Claudia just so happens to be driving through Atlanta on her way down to Savannah at that very moment!  But the looming questions is... will our bags be in Savannah?  Because that's what Delta in Atlanta is telling us.  Yeah right... but okay, let's just get out of Atlanta and get down to Savannah!

We get a phone call on the way down to Savannah.  It's Ayala and she says, "Hey guess what?  We got your bags!"  Seriously?  Okay, let's party!

The rehearsal dinner was Friday night.  Had a blast, and went to a piano bar afterward.  Good times.  At the actual rehearsal dinner, there was a firework display, and everyone patted Josh on the back and told him well done for setting up the fireworks.

Todd and I walked around on Saturday, had a big breakfast at the Cobblestone Cafe, and I seriously considered getting on this boat and taking it for a spin.

Kare Bear looked classic and stunning, as we knew she would, at her wedding on Saturday evening.  It was at this really cool place that looked almost like an old barn.  Very cool.  Here she is, above, dancing with her new husband Josh.  I can't figure out why I didn't get any front shots of the two of them.  Darn open bar...

There was a photo booth, which is by far, the coolest wedding reception fun I have ever had.  Claudia, Ayala and I snapped a few shots of us dressed up in the silly props.

And of course, here we all are- Missy, Stacki, Kelly, Kim, me, and Ayala with our Kare Bear!  If you're wondering about the gang symbols... let's just say, it's a Zeta thing!

The Bailey Planet

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers