Baby Bailey is a little machine! S/he was moving the entire time we were in for the ultrasound, which was about 20 minutes. I totally cried the whole time. I think I realize this time how MUCH I will love that little baby. I knew I would love Natalie... but I don't think you have any idea what the extent of that love will be until they are here. AND... my love for her grows every day! So I know what's in store with this one... and s/he was so just perfect! It appeared that s/he has Natalie's nose (one of my favorite features!). We saw the two lobes of the brain, the heart and the bladder... all things that make you think, "Hmmm, there really IS a baby in my belly!" Oh and the heart rate was in the 170s. Here is a pic of Butterbean. See the legs to the left? The little thing above Butterbean's head is his/her hand. I am SO excited though. I've just known a lot of people who have gone through rough pregnancies lately, and although I'm only 12 weeks and I still have a LOT of time left, it's just so encouraging to see my sweet baby moving all around on the ultrasound!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful thoughts! You choked me up just reading about it!! We are so excited for y'all!