Thursday, April 23, 2009

Missed the game!

I'm so bummed out. Yesterday, we had Red Sox tickets for the evening game vs. Minnesota. They played an afternoon game because the game the evening before was rained out. Yesterday's afternoon game was called after 7 innings (Sox won!) due to rain. The forecast called for a 90% chance of rain in the evening too. Since Maureen, our daycare provider, was nice enough to take Natalie for the night, and we were CONFIDENT that the game would be postponed to Thursday (today), we decided not to go to the game because we didn't want to have to ask Maureen to watch Natalie two nights in a row (even though I'm sure she would have). Of course, the game went on... not quite as scheduled, since it started at 7:55 (rather than 7:05), but they got the whole game in and the Sox won. So we totally missed the game. And I was asleep by 8:30 pm.

On a more positive note, I have my 12 week ultrasound and appointment to see Baby Butterbean Bailey tomorrow, and it's going to be in the 80s here this weekend!

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