Here is an update on how we are doing as a family of 4!
Grant is an awesome sleeper. I didn't think I would get a better sleeper than Natalie... but Grant proved me wrong. I thought for sure, Murphy's Law would show up and I would get a terrible sleeper for my second kid. I actually think he's better than Natalie! At night, we put him down in the pack and play and he hardly makes a peep, unless he has some gas. So Todd occasionally has to burp him, but once that is out, he goes almost right to sleep. He DOES need a pacifier however, which Natalie flat our refused. So we'll see how that goes someday when we have to take it away! Not now though... I need my sleep! Most nights he gives us at least one, if not two (or like last night ... 3!) stretches of 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. A part of me worries that he's not eating enough, but he gained 8 ounces in one week and then another 4 ounces in one day so I'm not really worried about it I guess. He's already over 8 pounds. He weighed 7 lbs 12 oz at birth and then dropped to 7 lbs 3 oz as we left the hospital. Then the next day, we had to go back to the pediatrician for them to check out his jaundice and he weighed 7 lbs 4 oz. They are supposed to gain an ounce a day, so this is right on target. Then a week later, he weighed 7 lbs 12 oz again. The next day I went to a nursing class at the hospital and he was already 8 lbs!!! Again, this is a lot better than Natalie did. She had some trouble gaining weight in the beginning and we had to supplement one bottle a day for her.
So far, Natalie is doing pretty well with Grant. I was actually a bit surprised. She doesn't take a huge interest in him, but she's sweet to him when she does talk to him. The other night before bed, she said to him, "Hi I'm Natalie! Do you want to go to the park with me? We'll go on the swings and you won't hurt your head." HA HA! Not sure about that last part... she must be concerned about him hurting his head! She is a really funny kid.
The attached picture is of my sister-in-law Helen holding Grant, and me and Natalie. This was only a few minutes after Natalie got home and got to meet Grant for the first time. As you can see, she is way more interested in mommy! :-)
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