Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday sweet boy!

Sniff sniff.  Can it really be true?  Can Grant be 1 year old? 

Pictures and stories about his birthday party are forthcoming, but this blog is going to be about Grant, and what he is like at 1 year old.

Likes:  Eating, toys that have sound and lights, putting anything and everything in his mouth, whatever his sister has in her hands, Mommy, the funny tall guy who also lives in the house, eating, patting things, such as the arm of a chair, taggie blankies, screaming/yelling for fun, and oh, did I mention eating?

Dislikes: When you are sitting down to dinner and you can't get the food shoveled into his mouth fast enough, when Mommy puts him down, and that's about it.  The kid is SO happy!  But his two favorite things to do are to eat, and to be held.

Other facts about Grant:
- Can say Da Da and Sis, but is still working on Ma Ma (it comes out like "Bwah bwah")
- Can identify lights, fans, daddy and Natalie.  If you ask him where they are, he will look at them.
- After his evening bottle, he doesn't want to be burped. Instead, he wants to roll around to a seated position and pat the arms of the chair.  He looks up at me with this look like, "Isn't this the funniest thing???" (nose all scrunched up and smiling)
- Favorite toys: Taggie blankies, toys that have sound and lights, like the driving toy with the steering wheel and lots of funny sayings like, "Outta the way!" and "Slow down little fella!", blocks (which he eats or likes to knock over if you stack them up), and whatever toy Natalie has.  If she has it, he grabs at it, and then there's lots of yelling and whining on the part of both kids.
- Favorite food:  This kid has seriously never met a food he didn't like. He eats anything and everything.  He eats lumpy things now, and crackers or puffs but he usually takes a bit, chews a bit and then spits it out.  He is still having trouble with his gag reflex.
- Grant has 8 teeth, but #9 is due to pop in any day now, and most likely it's one of his molars.
- On his first birthday, October 30, he started crawling!  He was in Grammi and Bean's living room, and only a few seconds after Mommy took Natalie to go potty, he started crawling, and I missed it!

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