Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Challenges of Parenthood Part II

When you become a parent, your alone time becomes quite precious.  So every evening, after the kids are in bed, I love having dinner with Todd and getting some things done around the house, blogging, updating pictures of the kids, or just watching the Red Sox on TV.  Just about every night, I have about a million things to do, and never enough hours to do it. 

Monday night, I was unable to do any of these things.

Every night, Natalie likes to turn off her own light.  It's a part of our routine, and she's just now tall enough to reach it.  So Monday night, she turns off the light like she normally does and takes the 2-3 steps toward her bed... and while doing so, trips over her own feet or the carpet, or who knows what and does a face plant into the side of her bed.  It sounded like it hurt, but it was pitch black in her room and my eyes hadn't "adjusted" yet. 

So when we see this, we immediately think... oh she broke off the top half of her tooth!  Because you can (kind of) see that the two on either side are higher than the lower left front tooth.   So we searched everywhere and couldn't find it.  We assumed she swallowed it. 

She also got this nasty bruise on her chin.  Poor kid.  So off she goes with Daddy to the dentist on Tuesday for the first time (I know, I know... I shouldn't keep putting this off but it's hard to find a pediatric dentist that takes my insurance!)  She was very brave at the dentist.  She only cried once when they sprayed water in her mouth.  She had no problems with the x rays.  The x rays revealed that she actually DIDN'T knock out the top half of her tooth!  Instead, like a nail (the tooth) and a hammer (the bed), the tooth was pushed down into the gums.  OUCH!  Thankfully they didn't see any damage to the root, so for now the tooth will stay where it is. We go back in 2 weeks, and they said she will have to eat soft foods between now and then and try to mainly eat with her back teeth since she has a bruised gum area in the front there.  We go back again in another 2 months, and hopefully we'll get the all clear.  Eventually her adult tooth will push the baby tooth out in a few years.  She was very proud that she got to go to the dentist!

So you see my friends, I was just mentally worn out after her accident Monday evening.  I didn't even eat dinner and went to bed not too long after she did.  Parenthood will wear you out on all levels!

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