Saturday, April 16, 2011

Grant at 18 months

Little buddy is almost 18 months old, so I wanted to give you an update on what he's been doing lately.

First, he's running all over the place.  He still looks a little like Frankenstein, but he's super cute.  Sometimes he walks with both hands behind his back with his buddah belly sticking out, and his head cocked to one side and he is just SO cute.  Gosh, I just want to eat him up sometimes.

Second, his vocabulary is really coming along.  He likes to make the sound of whatever you are talking about.  So if we're talking about cars, he repeatedly says, "Vroom vroom!"  (or "Voom voom" as he says it).  If he hears the neighbors dog barking, he says, "Woof woof!"  He wears dinosaur jammies to bed, and when he sees them, he says, "Rooooooaarr!"  ("What sound does the dinosaur make Grant?") He'll repeat what you say a lot too.  Even if he doesn't get the words right, he'll say something in the same pitch and tone that you did, which makes it sound like he's repeating you.  The other day we were singing "The Right Stuff" by New Kids on the Block (that's Grant's theme song) and we did the "Oh oh oh oh oh" parts and he finished it off with, "The Right Stuff!"  plain as day!  He also says, "Social" when drinking his milk.  This one cracks me up... and I can picture him some day saying that at his fraternity house with a Beast Light in his hand.  Yikes. 

Third, he is just ALL BOY.  I mean, your stereotypical little boy.  It cracks me up.  In no way did we push him toward this, he just LOVES cars, trucks, wheels, eating, running around, getting into things... you know, typical boy stuff.  Although he's also very into pushing his sister's pink stroller, so that is pretty funny too.  But he definitely likes to get into trouble.  His latest thing is pulling the dish towels down off of the bar on the oven.  I'll get upset with him and he'll look up at me and laugh.  SUCH a troublemaker!  He loves to throw little pieces of food off of his tray when he's eating, and does the same thing.  Scrunches up his nose and laughs.  NOT COOL little buddy.

He's recently started sleeping through the night during the week and sometimes on the weekends.  But he's always been a pretty decent sleeper.  Even if he wakes around 6 am, Todd gives him a small cup of milk and changes his diaper (usually he finishes this cup of milk before the changing is done!) and puts him back in his crib and he goes back to sleep!  I admit we have been pretty blessed with two kids who sleep pretty great. 

I can't believe he's almost 18 months old.  We love you Grant!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. He's such a cute kid, too. No wonder he can get away with stuff. Who wouldn't just cave when he laughs and smiles? Glad to hear that he's a good sleeper, too. Someone should invest in Tonka trucks. :)
    We love you, too, Grant!!


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