This is the day I wished would NEVER come. I never wanted to leave Germany. I honestly could have lived there forever. But Todd was able to get a GREAT job as the Army base he was at prior to this, and the opportunity was too great to turn down. So, it was back to America we went. Moving is something I dread, so I knew that when we moved back and found a place to live (permanently), that's where we were going to be until Grant went to college. I just wish it could have been this house!
I will miss our sweet landlord, Dietmar who always used to park his Jeep across the driveway from our house when he would visit. We truly loved living in this house.
Of course, when you move, you always do a big clean out. We found this Cookie Monster ice pack in the refrigerator, and it had cracked open so we had to throw it away. But remember when the kids were babies and we would make their boo boos all better with Cookie?
Don't mind us... just ready to go back to America with 11 suitcases.
And of course, we had to say goodbye to our favorite restaurant in Auerbach, Da Teo, with it's wonderful owner and it's amazing waitress, Arzu. The kids were sad that this was our last time here.
We've eaten here countless times, and seen the big renovations that they had done not long after we moved in. We had our favorite tables - usually in this room, sometimes in the room behind the doors.
We always liked this big picture that sat above one of our favorite tables. We found out it's the city of Ostuni, in the Puglia region (where the owners are from.)
Had to get in one more delicious spaghetti carbonara! Theirs was DIE BESTE!
And my favorite local lager of course. I'm carbing up like I'm about to run a marathon!
If you ask me what the thing I miss most about Germany is, I will probably tell you it was the little free dessert at Da Teo. Yes, all of the above was free!
I had to take this picture to remember what they looked like on the inside. So good. They were soft and dense, and definitely had amaretto in them.
When we first moved to Germany, the wood fire stove was on the left in this picture (right out where everyone eats!) But they renovated not long after we moved in and moved the stove to the back and out of sight. Thanks for all of the great memories, Da Teo! We will certainly miss Italian nights in the Biergarten during the summer.

Todd got Harry Highlander ready to go, and we paid to have it shipped back to the US. The Army will only pay to ship one car overseas, so they shipped George Jetta and we paid to have Harry shipped.
Little did I know that I would actually MISS the trash and recycling in Germany. After all we went through there, I will definitely admit it is the MOST efficient and they take absolutely everything. Back here in America, almost everything goes in the trash which is really disappointing. If everyone had to do what we did in Germany (their own sorting, so you don't have to pay people to do it in a big warehouse) then we would be a much greener country.

It's funny- whenever I would see the big green Gosselin trucks on the road, I would feel sad for whoever was going to have their household goods loaded onto those trucks. Now it was our turn.
Todd had to get the bikes in tip top shape because they will not ship anything that has dirt on it. And there's a guy who comes from the Ag department to inspect everything, so we had to have the bikes in the living room for that.
The room we called, "Nana's Room" (or the Arts and Crafts Room) was all packed up.
We ate so many meals in this room in our four and a half years here.
Our bedroom, meanwhile, remained a mess. What is with those American Girl dolls??? Also, when I look at this photo, I really miss my Miele vacuum cleaner (it's in the distance, next to the temporary mattress that's up against the wall.) If anyone wants to get me a nice birthday/Christmas/Mother's Day gift... I'm in the market for a Miele canister vacuum!
This was the truck all packed up at the end of day one. It took them two days to pack all of our stuff.
In the end, we visited 40 countries. We didn't go to Belgium and the Netherlands until after our household goods were packed, so they weren't scratched off when we had to pack this. How did we never get to Portugal or Scotland??

I will weirdly miss my ficus Pflanze. It might be the only thing I haven't killed! I gave Esther, who works at the high school all of my other plants.
At the end of the second day, they had us all packed out and Todd signed our lives away. At this point, you just start praying the ship your stuff is on doesn't hit a big Nor'Easter and sink.
Goodbye household goods. See ya on the flip side. (Little did we know how long that would be!)
I really, really wanted to take this piece with me, but it was Dietmar's. It's just so beautiful!
Natalie was showing us JUST how comfy Army temp furniture can be!
As Todd and I prepared to send George Jetta off the next day, we stopped into the Kantine for one more awesome, cheap German meal. Where am I going to get my currywurst now????
Meanwhile, Todd had the Jägerschnitzel - which was equally delicious.
After they packed our goods and we sent our cars off, we rented a car and took one more trip to Cologne, Amsterdam and Bruges. Once we got back, we had to finish outprocessing before we could fly to Boston. We didn't leave our home until about 5 days before we flew back, but Natalie was very sad to leave her room and was trying to hug her floor here.
Panorama of Natalie's amazing room. We tried to tell her that she was spoiled and would never have a room this big in America!
Meanwhile, Grant was in his room doing what he does best.
One more dab under the airplane light. Hard to believe he was only a little 5-year-old boy who loved airplanes when we moved into this house. He's literally spent half of his life here.
One of my favorite memories about our house was the time there was a fly in Grant's room and we were throwing balled up socks at it to try and kill it. But the ceilings are very high, so Todd threw a ball of socks that went screaming into the rafters and got stuck! There they will stay, so the next renters can find them.
Todd ran some of our suitcases to the hotel we would be staying at in Vilseck and he snapped some nice pictures of the sunset.
Here's another shot, with the moon rising on the left.
Meanwhile, I was back at our house for ONE FINAL AUERBACH SUNSET. This could be the only thing that I might miss more than those Da Teo desserts.
We couldn't take our hiking sticks with us, so we left them for the next renters.
Goodbye, home!
I want to get one of these with all of our addresses.
I will miss pulling into my tiny garage, with the Veedol oil thermometer there to greet me everyday.
We stayed at the Hotel Angerer through New Year's and one of the walls in their breakfast room dated back to 1580. The inn itself dates back to 1557 and it's been run by the same family since the mid 1600s! (Side note: I never let Grant on his tablet at the table, but it was just the two of us and he finished his breakfast fast, so I said he could run back to the room to get it!)
This is just... so German. I love it.
Grant and I went for a walk down to the Edeka in Vilseck one day and on our way back, we passed this sign on a building that read, "Facade with Renaissance and Baroque stucco, family crest of Rosner family with stylized rose. Overnight stay of Gustav Adolf, the King of Sweden on June 24th of 1632, Birthplace of Elias Peissner, born on September 5th of 1825. Lola Montez is said to have lodged at the Peissner family's home in 1848." What? This is the craziest place ever! You find stuff like this all over Germany, in the most random of places. Elias Peissner was a German man who moved to America and became a professor at Union College. He fought and died in the Civil War. Lola Montez had been an actress and was a former mistress of King Ludwig I.
What a mess! We had the junior suite at the Hotel Angerer - little did we know this would be the start of many months of living out of our 11 suitcases.
This is what we saw when we went down the stairwell to get to the lobby of the hotel. So many roofs!
When you PCS, it involves LOTS of appointments and running around. On our second-to-last day there, we had a lot to do. But of course, Grant wanted to take one last selfie at the Graf food court, a place where he tore up many Taco Bell tacos.
Kiddos were not pleased that the line at the housing office was VERY long. It's the price you've gotta pay if you want tacos though.
Natalie and I also had ONE more orthodontist appointment down in Amberg the DAY BEFORE we flew back to America. Talk about cutting it close! We really loved Dr. Angermann and Dr. Rechl!
Alas, we finished our outprocessing and finally it was time to leave the Hotel Angerer and head for the Movenpick Hotel at the Nuremberg Airport. Todd had to make TWO trips - one to take us and a few bags, and another to get the rest of the bags, since they didn't all fit in the car. While he did this, the kids and I went downstairs and had some dinner and one final German happy hour!
And, much like that night in the Logan Airport Hilton before we moved to Germany four and a half years ago, Natalie sang her brother to sleep. (This time, trying not to laugh of course.)
Oh my goodness, they were so little back then.
The big day had finally arrived and I do not look amused to be moving back to America.
The Bailey's are ready to fly to Frankfurt before the long flight to Boston.
Biergartens and dirndls... some of our favorite Bavarian things!
Will all of my bags make it? Time would tell.
Taking the bus out to the Embraer that we flew to Frankfurt.
Goodbye, Bavaria! I promise I will come back! Natalie and I both cried as we took off out of Nuremberg.
Meanwhile, these guys didn't seem sad at all!
But it really did hit us as we prepared for takeoff out of Frankfurt - this was it. The last time we would be in Germany as residents. The last silly airplane selfie we would take before taking off and visiting a new country. And little did we know, it would be the last adventures we would have for a long time.
Goodbye, Germany.
Hello, Massachusetts.
Ok, now that we've landed, let's turn around and go home.
Incredibly, all of our bags made it! We rented a big, big car to get all of our suitcases down to Plymouth in one trip, stopping by the Marketplace to grab some food and drinks on our way. And of course, some lady drives right up, parks like this, and strolls on into the Marketplace like nothing was wrong. Oh America... some things never change.
Yep, the Griswold's are back!
Wow- What a GREAT blog. How sad to leave Germany, though. You had a lifetime of adventures there, and were able to see so many countries that I can only imagine. Welcome back! xox Buzz
ReplyDeleteWhat a phenomenal experience! Wonderful memories to hold close to your hearts!🥰