Sunday, April 21, 2024

Spring Break 2024 - Miami, FL

 Unfortunately, our amazing trip on the Oasis of the Sea had to come to an end (although we definitely toyed with the idea of stowing away on the ship and sailing to Barcelona with it!)

We woke up pretty early because we had to disembark fairly early. The sun was just rising over Miami Beach.

I always like how calm the water is in the morning. It almost looks a bit foggy here, too.

We finally docked at the cruise port in Miami. Time to leave! Nooooo!

There's always a big line when you disembark!

Our flight back to Boston didn't leave until almost 8 pm, so we had about 10 hours to kill before that.  So we got a hotel for the day in Miami Beach. Goodbye Oasis!

Miami Beach has such an old school, art deco vibe. I love that they kept this feel to it.  There are about 800 buildings that were built between 1923-1943 that are in the National Historic District here.  Essex House is from 1938!

Our hotel was also one of those Art Deco hotels. We stayed at the Catalina Hotel and Beach Club which I think was built in 1940 (I saw one place that said it was built in 1916 which might because this hotel is really three buildings in one, so perhaps one of the buildings was constructed before the others).  It had a pool with towel service, which is pretty much all we needed.  You can see that one of my kids promptly took a nap!

Hello, Rootie. I'm going to miss seeing you around.

This has such a Miami Beach vibe to it! Oh wait, maybe that's because it IS Miami Beach!

Here is Natalie in front of one section of our hotel, which was right on A1A.

It was such a cool hotel! 

After the four of us had some lunch, Grant and I opted to stay by the pool while Todd and Natalie went for a walk toward Lincoln Road where they went back to a store called Racing Miami.  Natalie loves F1 racing and was happy to see a cardboard cutout of Lewis Hamilton.

I mean, he's kind of the current GOAT of F1.

She really wants to do F1 broadcasting some day!

Meanwhile, this is what Grant and I were doing.

A phone, sunglasses and apparently all the towels. And socks with sandals.

Todd took this picture of the vibe along A1A.

Todd and Natalie also wanted to go to the beach, so they walked down to check out the scene.

Natalie putting her feet into the green Atlantic Ocean.

Todd and Natalie at Miami Beach 💖

Aaaaand then Natalie decided she wanted to get in the Atlantic Ocean... so she did!

After Todd and Natalie came back, we all went to our room to clean up before we took a (very expensive) Uber to the airport. I snapped this picture of the upstairs of our hotel.

Poor Grantie had a headache on the plane home, so Natalie was very sweet and let him put his head on her shoulder.

Until next time, Miami!  We had a fantastic vacation!  

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