Before I had kids, I didn't have any idea how hard it was to actually capture good pictures of kids. Which made me really realize why there are so few pictures of me as a baby/little kid. Chances are, the kid is not going to cooperate (not necessarily on purpose) and you're going to take about 10 bad pictures before you get 1 good picture. Back then, our parents used (gasp!) point and click cameras that had (get this...) FILM! Film wasn't cheap to develop, so most pictures went to waste. Thank goodness for digital cameras and the "delete" button! Let me demonstrate, using my sweet boy Grant as an example...
Picture 1: Hand in the mouth.
Picture 2: Eyes are closed.
Picture 3: The drunk look
Picture 4: Partially sticking his tongue out. And he looks startled.
Picture 5: Hand back in the mouth.
Picture 6: Getting better... Come on little guy, give us a smile!
Picture 7: Hey, this isn't too bad! Finally a decent picture!
Picture 8: BONUS! There's my dimple!