Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Natalie's Boo Boo

So, last week when she was at daycare waiting for lunch to be served,  Natalie fell off of her little chair, foward and onto the table, where she split her eyebrow open.  Maureen called Todd to let him know, and he took Natalie to the doctor to get it looked at.  Thankfully, he did not call Mommy until AFTER the whole event was over.  Smart Daddy.

So they used this special skin glue on her face to close the wound.  I hadn't heard of this before, but I really like the concept.  No stitches?   Boy, this would have saved me a lot of agony when I was 4 and had to get stitches in a similar place on my face (right next to my right eye). 

In the picture below, you can barely see it, but there is a bit of purple glue still holding on strong to the end of her eyebrow (toward her temple) of her left eye.  Don't mind the orange Skittle mess on the rest of her face.  Someone had a little too much fun with her Easter candy!

The Easter Bunny came to our house!

The Easter Bunny came!  The Easter Bunny came!  But can mommy eat the delicious treats he brought?  NO!  Mommy has been dairy free lately to try and see if we can clear up Grant's eczema.  It seems to be working ... a little bit.  The crazy bad eczema on his face is gone, but now it is really bad on his arms, near his elbows (but on the top part of his arm).  I'm going to give it another week, and see if the arms clear up.  We also bought the California Baby eczema cream and that seems to work wonders on his face.  I think it might not be working on his arms because I put it on his arms, and then put his arms into long sleeved shirts.  Now that it's a little warmer, perhaps it will clear up.

Anyway!  On to Easter...

We did give Natalie some candy for Easter, because after all... it's Easter!  But we didn't want her tons of candy, so we gave her little gifts instead.  Of course, you KNOW that Santa and the Easter Bunny talk, right?  The Easter Bunny taps into Santa's naughty or nice database to make sure he can deliver goodies to the kids on Easter.  Natalie must have been pretty good between Christmas and Easter, because she got a basket full of fun things.  I think the Easter Bunny was very pleased with her potty training.

After church and the finding and opening of the Easter basket, we went to Wilmington.  Natalie had about 4 pieces of chocolate while she was playing with those little capsules that, when you put them in water, they grow to little sponge-like animals.  In the car on the way there, she had a bit of a sugar crash.  This kid NEVER sleeps in the car, and I mean NEVER.  So this was funny enough to take a picture of!

When we got to Wilmington, we took some Easter pictures outside before Natalie's nap.  Here is the Bailey gang under the Birch tree at Todd's sister Helen's house.

Next up, we took a picture of the kids.  In the back, we have Lauren, Gordon, and Madison, holding little Buddy G.  In the front, we have Natalie, Deven (Gordie's sister Janelle's daughter), and Seth.  I thought Natalie looked cute in this picture.

After pictures, little man Grant was hanging out with Daddy.  He looked so cute in this picture I couldn't resist.  Poor little guy seems tired, but so content to hang out with Daddy.  He'd better get some good Daddy-holding time in now, before Todd has his shoulder surgery later this week!

We had quite the tasty meal this Easter, made up of ham, potatoes, rolls, cesar salad, green bean casserole, maple carrots, and other fine goodies.  After dinner, we finally woke Natalie up (seriously, she could sleep forever if we let her) and went outside to do the annual Easter Egg hunt.  This year's eggs were full of money or Skittles.  Natalie has decided that she likes skittles.  Here is a picture of Natalie and Seth, inspecting Seth's loot.

Lastly, we can't forget that my BIG nephew/Godson Seth turned 7 (yes, I said 7!) on the 5th!  So at Helen's, we enjoyed some cake, cookies, and brownies to celebrate his birthday.  Candy AND cake on Easter????  This girl was over the moon!!!  Notice the various colors of chocolate cake and skittles across her face.   NICE!  Happy Easter everyone!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Fun at Endicott Park in Danvers

This weekend was just too beautiful not to be outside.  It was in the mid-upper 70s all weekend.  Just perfect.  So we met up with the Morris family at Endicott Park in Danvers and the girls- Annabel and Natalie - played on the playground. 

They were so cute!  The boys (Mike and Todd) hung out in the play clubhouse for a while, enjoying the shade with Grant and Evan.  Evan is about 2.5 months older than Grant.  Afterward, we went to check out the horses, but on the way, we ran into some birds that looked like pheasants, but might have been just young turkeys (Todd called them teenagers, ha ha). 

After our animal sightings, we went to have a picnic on the grassy area in the sun.  The weather was so nice, but it was actually WARM, and even I was sweating!  The Bailey's enjoyed hummus and pita, cheese and crackers, a fruit cup, salsa and garlic chips.  After lunch, Annabel shared one of her blue raspberry Dum Dum lollipops with Natalie, who was over the moon about it.  By the time she finished it in the car ride home, her entire mouth was blue, including lips, teeth and tongue.  She had it on her cheeks, hands, and even in her hair.  Awesome!  On a good note, Natalie went potty at the park and didn't have any accidents all morning!  She hasn't had any accidents in weeks, but I just wanted to point out that she spent all morning at the park and didn't have to go!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A weekend with Aunt Betty

I still can't believe I didn't take a picture of the lobsters, scallop cakes (like crab cakes, but with scallops), macaroni salad, Chilean red wine, and strawberry rhubarb pie with ice cream that we ate at Aunt Betty's this weekend.  Seriously.  Many other fun things went on this weekend at Aunt Betty's, but this was truly amazing!  And somehow, I forgot to take a picture.  Grrr....

ANYWAY... This weekend, we went down to Great Island to visit Aunt Betty (Todd's parents also live there -- but they are in Florida).  We had to pick up a few things at Todd's parents house (from their basement, where we store things!), so we spent Saturday and Saturday night at Aunt Betty's.  Natalie just had a blast.  We went to the BRAND NEW indoor heated pool.  It is AWESOME.  Great Island is a 55+ community, but from 2-4 each day, it's "family swim."  Kids who are still in diapers are not allowed in the pool, but of course, Natalie is potty trained now, so she was able to go in the pool. It was kind of a chilly day outside - I don't even think it hit 40 degrees, but it was balmy at the new pool.  We forgot to bring the diaper bag to the pool, which is where Natalie's ear coverings are, so we put this lovely shower cap on Natalie to block any rogue splashes from getting into her ears. 

Todd and Aunt Betty held her above water, and they had her floating on a noodle, which also helped.

Grant couldn't go in the pool because he still wears diapers, but he had fun hanging out with mommy anyway.  We played with some of his toys and watched Natalie swim.

Natalie is a little fish. She just loves being in a pool, and cries when she has to get out. But have no fear! Aunt Betty always has fun things to do at her house. When we got back, Aunt Betty and Natalie played in the basement, drawing with sidewalk chalk on the concrete floor, banging on drums, bouncing balls, and doing puzzles.  Aunt Betty also always showers Natalie with such fun gifts.  Natalie LOVES the books that Aunt Betty gives her -- we got 4, count 'em FOUR books!!!  Meanwhile, Grant got the OK from Dr. Meisheid to go in the Jumperoo and the exersaucer.  Here is the little man in the Jumperoo.

He wasn't all that enthused... but he didn't hate it.  He stayed in there for probably 20 minutes.  He couldn't quite get the idea of jumping, even though it came with a "reward."  The jumperoo plays a song and lights up when you bounce.  But he didn't seem to care about that.  Oh well, maybe in a few more weeks!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Potty Trained!

Well, it's official.  Natalie is potty trained!  This has been a major work in progress.  We started potty training right around her second birthday.  (For those who are counting, yes, it has been a 9 month process!)  We started by introducing her to the potty, having her sit on it, play with it, etc.  Then we moved to pullups, where we majorly stalled for many months.  Pullups for her, were kind of a crutch.  If we mentioned going to the potty we got one of two reactions.  Either she would agree and go happily with you where she would do her pee pee in the potty without incident, or we would get a screaming fit.  Mostly it was the latter.  Grrr.  In November, we picked a weekend where we tried to do big girl underwear ONLY.  We had a 100% failure rate.  What was frustrating was that she knew the feeling, but she would ignore it until she was all wet.  We knew she didn't like the feeling of being wet in her big girl underwear, but it didn't seem to make a big enough impact for her to correct the behavior.

For whatever reason, last weekend, she decided she wanted to be a "big girl" and start doing more pee pee in the potty.  I don't know if she finally feels settled (new house, new baby brother in the last few months), or if she feels challenged that her BFF Gaby is in big girl underwear and using the potty.  Whatever the reason was, we jumped at the opportunity.  She had one accident Sunday afternoon (while watching Dora... I think she wasn't paying attention).  She went Monday and Tuesday at daycare without any accidents.  Wednesday, because Daddy had a 2 hour doctor's appointment, I picked the kids up from daycare and took them to Friendly's for dinner. I asked Natalie no fewer than 4 times if she had to go potty, but she said no each time.  As we were packing up to go home, I noticed she was walking funny -- a sure sign she had an accident.  I changed her pants in the parking lot (LOL!!!) and she hasn't had another accident SINCE!  I'm so proud of her!   We even went out Saturday for about 2.5 hours.  We went to Wellesley College to walk around the campus and then into Wellesley Square for lunch.  She waited until we go to the restaurant and went potty there.  She didn't have any accidents.  We are so happy!!!!  I can't believe my baby girl is becoming such a BIG GIRL!!!!!

Next up this weekend... sleeping in a big girl bed!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My little leprechauns

Natalie decided she wanted to wear shamrock stickers on her face yesterday.  And Grant is, once again, looking like a deer in the headlights.  As my mother-in-law pointed out... it kind of looks like they're up to no good!  ("What?  Who me? I didn't do it!")  Happy St. Patrick's Day!

My mom wanted me to point out that Grant is giving everyone the bird in the picture below.  HA HA HA! 

Monday, March 15, 2010


At dinner tonight, Natalie and I had a conversation that went like this:

Me:  When you get older, you can put your dish in the sink.  Right now, you're too little.
Natalie:  Right.  When I get older like you.
Me:  Yep.  Natalie... how old do you think I am?
Natalie: (without hesitation) 22!
Me:  Have I ever told you that you're my favorite child???

Rainy Days and Monday's always get me down

It's raining... and it's been raining for days...

But at LEAST Grant slept until after my alarm went off this morning!!!!  This is a HUGE accomplishment.  My alarm goes off every morning at 5 am.  Yes, it takes me 3 hours to get ready, get the kids ready (with Todd's help of course), get to the train station, and get to work every morning.  For the past several weeks, Grant has woken up EVERY morning at 4:30 to eat. It's like clockwork.  By the time I'm done feeding him, it's around 5, so I can't go back to sleep.  So I've been living off of 5-6 hours of sleep every night for the past few weeks, except for the weekends, when I can manage to get 8 or so. 

Friday night, we decided to do a little CIO.  For those of you not down with the baby acronyms... this means Cry-It-Out.  Naturally, he woke up at 4:30, so Todd went in, gave him his pacifier, swaddled him up, and left.  He started crying, but I gave it 5 minutes before I went in.  I put the pacifier back in, and rub his forehead, and go back to bed.  He was quiet for a few minutes, then he would cry. I waited another 5 minutes... and so on... for about 30-40 minutes.  Finally at about 5:10 am, he stopped crying and fell back asleep until about 6:30.  Then I got up and fed him, and put him back to bed.

Saturday night, he woke up in the 5 am hour (I think... these sleepless nights run together!) and Todd gave him his pacifier, reswaddled him, and he fell right back to sleep!  Hooray!  Then he didn't wake up until about 7.  I fed him, and went back to bed.  I can't remember when Todd got up, but he got both of the kids up and let me sleep in.  I slept until 9:30!!! I really could have slept longer, but I was a bit guilt ridden.  :-)

This morning... my alarm went off at 5 am, and only a few minutes later he woke up to eat.  Which is FINE with me... because it's NOT 4:30!!!!  Amazing how much better I feel with just an extra half hour of solid sleep.  I hope this trend continues!

As for his ear infection, he is taking his antibiotics like a good boy and he seems to be feeling much better.  He's still coughing a bit, but it's not as bad as it was last week.  I'm thankful.  I'm ready for temps in the 60s later this week (with SUN!).  Maybe we can finally get rid of all of these illnesses we've had in our house!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Poor Little Buddy

My poor little buddy has his first ear infection!  For the last week, he's had a cold, and of course, in our family, that usually leads to an ear infection if you are under the age of 3.  Todd took Grant to the doctor this afternoon since his temperature has consistently been around 99.5 every evening for the last few evenings (and even last Wednesday was over 102!). 

Since Natalie got her tubes in September, she has not had ONE ear infection, hallelujah!  Grant however, is too young for the tubes, so he will be getting his first dose of amoxicillan this evening. The ear infection is only in one ear, thankfully.  And hopefully amoxicillan will work for him.  It did nothing for Natalie. 

I hate to run to antibiotics every time their ears hurt, because they say about 80% of ear infections will clear up on their own.  This is most definitely not one of them, considering it's been over a week and he's still feeling bad and has a temperature!  (Although it's not a REAL fever according to the doctor's definition... he's definitely warm). 

Get well soon my little man!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fun with Daddy and Grant

I snapped some REALLY cute pictures of Grant playing with Daddy on the couch this weekend while Natalie was napping.  It's fun to have one-on-one time with both of the kids, separately.  Grant looks so big in these pictures.  It makes me sad to think soon, he'll be toddling around and he won't be a baby anymore.  Sniff sniff.

The Bailey Planet

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers