Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Easter Bunny came to our house!

The Easter Bunny came!  The Easter Bunny came!  But can mommy eat the delicious treats he brought?  NO!  Mommy has been dairy free lately to try and see if we can clear up Grant's eczema.  It seems to be working ... a little bit.  The crazy bad eczema on his face is gone, but now it is really bad on his arms, near his elbows (but on the top part of his arm).  I'm going to give it another week, and see if the arms clear up.  We also bought the California Baby eczema cream and that seems to work wonders on his face.  I think it might not be working on his arms because I put it on his arms, and then put his arms into long sleeved shirts.  Now that it's a little warmer, perhaps it will clear up.

Anyway!  On to Easter...

We did give Natalie some candy for Easter, because after all... it's Easter!  But we didn't want her tons of candy, so we gave her little gifts instead.  Of course, you KNOW that Santa and the Easter Bunny talk, right?  The Easter Bunny taps into Santa's naughty or nice database to make sure he can deliver goodies to the kids on Easter.  Natalie must have been pretty good between Christmas and Easter, because she got a basket full of fun things.  I think the Easter Bunny was very pleased with her potty training.

After church and the finding and opening of the Easter basket, we went to Wilmington.  Natalie had about 4 pieces of chocolate while she was playing with those little capsules that, when you put them in water, they grow to little sponge-like animals.  In the car on the way there, she had a bit of a sugar crash.  This kid NEVER sleeps in the car, and I mean NEVER.  So this was funny enough to take a picture of!

When we got to Wilmington, we took some Easter pictures outside before Natalie's nap.  Here is the Bailey gang under the Birch tree at Todd's sister Helen's house.

Next up, we took a picture of the kids.  In the back, we have Lauren, Gordon, and Madison, holding little Buddy G.  In the front, we have Natalie, Deven (Gordie's sister Janelle's daughter), and Seth.  I thought Natalie looked cute in this picture.

After pictures, little man Grant was hanging out with Daddy.  He looked so cute in this picture I couldn't resist.  Poor little guy seems tired, but so content to hang out with Daddy.  He'd better get some good Daddy-holding time in now, before Todd has his shoulder surgery later this week!

We had quite the tasty meal this Easter, made up of ham, potatoes, rolls, cesar salad, green bean casserole, maple carrots, and other fine goodies.  After dinner, we finally woke Natalie up (seriously, she could sleep forever if we let her) and went outside to do the annual Easter Egg hunt.  This year's eggs were full of money or Skittles.  Natalie has decided that she likes skittles.  Here is a picture of Natalie and Seth, inspecting Seth's loot.

Lastly, we can't forget that my BIG nephew/Godson Seth turned 7 (yes, I said 7!) on the 5th!  So at Helen's, we enjoyed some cake, cookies, and brownies to celebrate his birthday.  Candy AND cake on Easter????  This girl was over the moon!!!  Notice the various colors of chocolate cake and skittles across her face.   NICE!  Happy Easter everyone!

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