Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Prayer requests

My wonderful, sweet hubby is having surgery on his shoulder tomorrow.  They think the surgery will take somewhere between 4-6 hours.  The surgery includes a distal clavicle resection (cutting off the end of the collar bone or clavicle) and subacromial decompression (cutting off the tip of the shoulder blade). Hopefully, it can all be done arthroscopically. Todd has been having a lot of pain in his shoulder for a few years now, so hopefully this will do the trick!  (It had darn well better, since they are cutting off about 1/3 of his collarbone!).  Prayers for me are also welcome, since Todd will not be able to lift the kids for about 6 weeks.  This means lots of work for Mommy!

Also, I need some prayers for my Uncle Dave.  He had a valve in his heart replaced yesterday and the surgery went well.  But he need some prayers for a speedy recovery!

Lastly, one of the blogs I read (Toddler Planet) by a woman in the DC area who is an astrophysicist and a mom (no kidding... I've never known any astrophysicists!!!) just got told that she has a recurrence of breast cancer.  I don't know this woman, but she is a mom, just like me.  I can't even imagine what she must be going through, or how scared her little boys and husband must be.  She is having surgery today to remove some tumors from her lymph nodes.  So send lots of prayers her way!  Her name is Susan Niebur. 

I will keep you posted about how Todd is doing tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Todd - we hope that your shoulder surgery turned out well. We're rooting for you. Love to the whole crew! Rob and Tom


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