Friday, April 9, 2010

Todd's shoulder surgery

Todd's shoulder surgery was a success!  Thanks to Maureen who took the kids at 5:30 am since we had to be at the outpatient center at 6 am (yawn!).  And thanks to all of the prayers and well wishes.  Todd's surgery actually started closer to 7 am and went until about 9:15. 

It took a little longer than they expected (although I expected that.  When does it ever take exactly the amount of time they say it will???).  They shaved off a bit of his shoulder blade, which got rid of the bone spur he had, cleaned out the bursitis, and checked on the small tear he has in his labrum.  They decided there wasn't much they could do about that.  Apparently, he also had some worn down cartilage, and by removing the end part of the collarbone, it allows soft scar tissue to form so that he doesn't have bone rubbing on bone again.  NICE.

This is my favorite pic.  It makes me laugh (but grateful) that they "autograph" the shoulder they are going to work on.  Just in case.  You hear stories all the time about doctors removing the wrong limb or some other awful procedure mishap.  So here are Dr. Tierney's initals on Todd's shoulder!  Say bye bye shoulder!

Todd was a little woozy coming off the general anesthetic, but he wasn't nearly as loopy as when I went with him in 2004 to get his endoscopy.  He was talking all kinds of crazy nonsense then!  This time, he was alert and awake and eating graham crackers and apple juice.  Just like pre-school.

We finally got home around 11 after dropping his prescription off at CVS.  I ran out to get ice and pick up the prescription and when I got back, he was asleep.  But after he woke up from his nap, he said he felt great.  He watched movies the rest of the day and had to wait for the nerve block to wear off before he finally could feel his shoulder.  But between the pain meds and the large ice packs he has on his shoulder, he is doing okay.  He says it's sore, but isn't awful.  I hope in a few weeks, he is finally pain free!  It's about time!

1 comment:

  1. How can anyone look that hot after having shoulder surgery? Amazing. Hope you have a speedy recovery, Todd! Wow. We never looked that good even healthy! :)


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