Sunday, April 3, 2011

Perfect example of the challenges of parenthood

Oh the things you do for your kids...

Today I spent the better part of an afternoon driving around Natick hunting down Natalie's beloved Pink Bear.  Anytime she gets upset, she goes, "I want Pink Bear!"  Pink Bear is to Natalie what Croco is to me. 

So I remember her having Pink Bear at CrossFit this morning - there are only two classes so Todd had to bring the kids and we had to do the "switch" this morning.  She had him with her there.  I think I remember her having him in the car on the way to 7-11.  I thought she had him when we went in, but then I didn't remember her taking him out of 7-11.  So when I couldn't find him before her nap, my heart sunk.  I felt sure he was back at 7-11.  So I took off for 7-11.  They didn't have it.  I went to CFNE, and couldn't find it in the parking lot.  I went back to 7-11.  I searched the entire house.  I had just cleaned upstairs, so I knew it wasn't up there.  Or wait... was it?  The last place I checked.... the cabinet door part of her armoire.  She had been in there earlier in the day, and he was on the bottom shelf.  Whew.  Crisis averted.

Then, after nap time, Grant woke up cranky.  We gave him milk and a snack and he kept putting his head on the floor, which is a sure sign he doesn't feel well.  I looked at his ears, and his right ear had a ton of pus coming out of it.  Ew.  Time to head off to the ER.  Thankfully it only took an hour, but it was a long hour, as he screamed and cried the entire time.  They said he actually can't burst his eardrums because technically having tubes in your ears means you already have burst eardrums.  But if wax clogs up one or both of the tubes, then you might get an ear infection behind the drum.  Which I'm pretty sure he has.  The one ear and tube that had the pus was doing it's job... draining.  But he wasn't complaining about that one.  Only the left one.  So after a heavy dose of Motrin, and two 'scripts for antibiotics (oral and ear drops) we went home, and he was a much happier camper. 

But mommy was exhausted.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Right in the middle of lunch.  Right in the middle of a big Natalie tantrum.  This happened.  This is what happens when little buddy doesn't get his morning nap.

A warm day in March

Even though most of March has been cool, we did have a nice warm day on St. Patrick's Day.  So after Todd and I went to J.J. McKay's, we went to pick up the kids and when we got home, I took both kids out to the backyard to run around.

Grant loved running around the concrete patio, but had no interest in the grass.

Natalie had fun rolling this ball down the slide and trying to get it to land in the green bucket.

After talking to the neighbors dog, she found a walking stick.  Doesn't she look sweet and pretty here? 

Little buddy decided to brave the grass.  See, it's not so bad, is it? 

Would you like some tea with that wine?

This is what happened when Grant decided that a little toy teacup was supposed to be in my wine glass.


St. Patrick's Day

I know, you think we aren't cool anymore... but Todd and I went out for about an hour and a half on St. Patrick's Day for a few Guinness at J.J. McKay's in Wayland.

Todd enjoying a Guinness. 

I love me some Guinness, but I also had to have a shot of Bailey's.  I mean, after all, it IS my last name.

Here's the scene at J.J. McKay's at around 4 pm.  It was actually pretty packed.  Happy St. Patrick's Day from the Bailey's!

Gaby's 4th birthday party

Natalie's BFF, Gaby, just celebrated her 4th birthday.  Unfortunately, I couldn't attend because I had to WORK on a Sunday.  It was actually to make up for days that I missed while we were all out sick with the stomach bug.  Thankfully my work is flexible, but sadly, I missed the party.

First, the kids got to paint.  Most of them chose wooden star boxes to paint.  Natalie painted hers so pretty and we are using it to store her hair pretties.

Not surprising, it has a green top.

Then she got a sparkly dolphin tattoo.  I actually thought it was really pretty, but later in the week, she asked me to wash it off, ha ha.  That is probably a good thing. 

Even Grant had a good time at the party.  Todd got some great video of him walking around with all of the big kids.  He seemed so proud of himself.  Someone even mentioned to Todd that they were impressed that Natalie was so good with her little brother.  She was very affectionate when they were there, apparently.

All of the kids got together for a picture.  Most of the kids don't look pleased in this picture, although Gaby is super cute, and at least they are all facing forward, which really, is far better than the rest of the pictures.  The little girl to Natalie's right is Addison.  She is in Gaby's class at FACE, but is also in Natalie's gymnastics class at Planet Gymnastics. 

Happy birthday Gaby!

Nice weekend at the Wayside Inn

Todd got a good deal on Buy With Me for a 1 night stay at the Wayside Inn in Sudbury, MA that we had to use by the end of March, so we left the kids with Todd's sister and niece and enjoyed a night away.  It came with a $25 voucher toward the spa next door (which was only good for facials or massages, of which they were totally booked up) but I got a nice manicure anyway.

Todd said it looked like I had gorilla hands here. 

The Buy With Me deal also came with $25 toward dinner at the Wayside Inn.  Yum-O.  Oddly enough, I didn't take any picutres of dinner, but I think that's because we had been drinking quite a bit since mid afternoon.  The Wayside Inn is the oldest operating inn in America, although we actually stayed at the Wayside Carriage House Inn (there are only a few rooms at the regular Inn and it books up well in advance). 

For dinner, we took the "shuttle" over to the actual Wayside Inn.  Here I am in front of the place.  The bar is on the lower right, and it even has a room that is a historic rendition of what the house might have looked like on the inside back in the 1700s.  That is on the lower level to the left of me.

This is the bar.  Todd barely fit in here.  But the guy made awesome drinks before dinner.

We enjoyed our evening, and on Sunday morning we slept in!  Yeah, until 9.  Then we went to Mel's Diner in Wayland for Philly Cheesesteak omelets that were out of this world.  I should have taken a picture of those.  Then we went to pick up the kids at their Aunt Helen's house.  After they ate lunch, Uncle Gordie took them outside because they both had been interested in checking out his new backhoe. 

Natalie got in first, and was getting the biggest kick out of it. She thought it was SO COOL.

Look at little Grant.  He loves anything with wheels, so this was right up his alley!  Thanks for letting us play in your backhoe Uncle Gordie!

Monday, March 7, 2011

We have a walker!

Boy am I good.  Grant took 2 steps toward me on 2/25, just a few days shy of his 16 month birthday. He took them in the kitchen, between his Exersaucer and the garbage can (I only wrote that so years from now I would remember exactly where it happened!). 

Over the course of that weekend (but before our big sickness outbreak), he progressively took a few more steps here and there.  Then this past weekend, he just took off in the kitchen, walking from the oven over around the island (on the refrigerator side) and then over to the sliding glass door.  And I got it ALL on video! Sweet!

Now even since then, he has just taken off.  He's probably doing about 60/40 walking to crawling ratio.  I would say we definitely have a toddler!  Sniff sniff... not a baby any longer!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Be very thankful I do not have any pictures to post. 

The worst night of our lives as a family occured on Monday night.  I know, I know, you're thinking that I'm being dramatic here, but really, I honestly thought about calling 9-1-1 so someone would be able to take care of my sick children for me.

Yes, we got sick... AGAIN.  This time was the worst.  So I told you all about how Grant got a stomach bug on Sunday morning.  Todd and I thought we did a pretty good job about keeping the kids apart, but of course, both of US were hanging with Grant on Sunday (and then later, Natalie...).  So he was actually great for the rest of Sunday, and all of Monday.  No problems.  Then Monday evening, Todd went to CrossFit and Natalie started complaining that her stomach hurt during dinner and then during her bath.  She didn't even want me to read her any books or sing any songs, so I knew she didn't feel well.  Then as I was saying good night, she thought she was going to be sick.  Thankfully, she made it to the bathroom!  Excellent!  (If you are a parent, you have to understand how thrilled I was about this). 

So then she falls asleep.  Todd gets home and announces that he has been sick at CrossFit.  Uh oh.  Come to think of it, I'm not feeling so great either.  By 10 pm, it wasn't pretty.  The only one who wasn't being sick was Grant.  Oh but that didn't last long!  Somewhere around midnight, Grant got sick too.  Just once for the entire night.  It was bad though, and required a sheet change and a bath.

Meanwhile, Todd and I were also sick all night!  It's very hard to take care of your sick children if you are too busy being sick yourself.  When Grant got sick, after Todd gave him a bath, Todd had to leave to be sick.  I was laying on the floor trying not to be sick myself, and Grant opened up one of his drawers and then put all of his weight on it, smashing his chubby little fingers in the drawer.  I was too sick to even keep a close eye on him to make sure he didn't hurt himself. I couldn't even do my job as a parent.  So I did what any sick person does... called my mom!  She said no, it is not appropriate to call 9-1-1.  Was this not an emergency??  I guess not.  Finally by about 3 am, everyone was done being sick.  It was really the longest 8 hours of my life.  And I'm pretty sure Todd would agree.  My very Paleo husband ate Rice Krispies and coffee ice cream for dinner later that night.  Yikes!

Day two... everyone is feeling much better, and we've done a lot of cleaning today.  Clorox wipes and Lysol are my favorites!

Carole's birthday weekend

Thankfully, we were all healthy to enjoy a fun weekend at Todd's parents house for Carole's birthday!

A delicious meal was served to all members of the Bailey clan except for the Maryland Bailey's.  Also, Aunt Betty wasn't present because she was busy stuck in the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake!  She made it out alive and we are all very grateful.  Many others didn't.

KK also made a delicious angel food cake (I had 2 pieces, yes I did!). Three of her four babies helped her blow out the candles.

This is the face Natalie was making when we weren't getting her ice cream fast enough.  Sassy girl.

After dinner, my babies wanted to tickle the ivories with Grammi.  Grant decided he didn't like that song anymore so he wanted to turn the page.  Together, they all actually sounded pretty good. 

Bean shared some of his ice cream with the other big guy.  Such a nice Grampi!  We had a great time at Grammi's birthday party and we were happy to celebrate it with her for once.  Usually they go to Florida in the beginning of February and we miss it!  But not this year!  Happy Birthday Grammi!

The Bailey Planet

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers