You can't tell that I'm excited about this, can you? I can't tell if I'm more excited to meet my little guy, or if I'm more excited to just NOT be pregnant anymore, ha ha. I feel like I'm not a very good mommy to Natalie when I'm this exhausted. Poor kid... if she thinks it's bad NOW....
We had a fun weekend, except that Natalie is coming down with a cold. (Shocking, right?) She sneezed about 100 times yesterday, which is always the first sign with her. Then she was pretty congested last night, but no fever or anything and she's still the same old Natalie.
Saturday, we went to drop off my car at the car detailing place before heading to Wellesley for breakfast at Maugus. It was YUM. We will definitely go there again. Then we went apple picking at Dowse Orchard Farm in Sherborn (which is just the town south of Natick, so it was only a few miles away). We were thinking about going to Belkin Farms, but it was a $14 entrance fee for adults ($12 for Natalie!!!) PLUS you had to pay for what you picked at astronomical prices. Of course, they have a maze to go through, a huge playground area, pony rides, a petting zoo, etc. so it would have been really fun, but it was already 10 am so we knew we were only going to get 2 hours worth out of our visit. (Not worth it). We definitely will go to Belkin's at some point, when the kids are older and don't need naps anymore! (It will still be fun for them). We just wanted to do some apple picking, so we went to Dowse where there is no entrance fee, and only $10 for a decent sized bag. We picked some Empires (Todd's favorite), Idareds, Courtlands, and Macouns. Then we got to ride a tractor (or as Natalie called it, a "loader" which is totally accurate) that took us back to the parking lot. Natalie thought that was pretty cool. We then went over to their farm stand where they sell other goodies. We picked up a nice pumpkin, and two small pies - apple crisp (my fave) and apple blueberry. YUM!
After picking up my car from the detail shop, which looked awesome by the way, we went home for some lunch. I got my haircut and colored in the afternoon (ahhh, much better!) and Todd started putting up the clear plastic sheeting over the windows, which helps insulate in the winter. He got our first floor done. Hopefully he can get the rest done by the time Baby G gets here.
Sunday was nice too. But it was rainy and snowy all day. YUCK. After church, Todd got a haircut, and made a crockpot meal (our second of the weeke
nd). After Natalie's nap, we carved our first pumpkin as a family! It came out pretty well and Natalie really had fun. She was very good as Todd carved the pumpkin with a knife. She stayed back and watched. She also liked scooping the seeds out. I made an attempt at cooking the seeds, and followed the directions to a tee... but they still came out chewy (flavorful though, with salt and garlic powder). Oh well, maybe next year. It was snowing when we were carving our pumpkin. SAD. It's far too early for that!

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