I kind of hope it's NOT 8 more days. Perhaps 5 or 6 would be okay with Baby G. I keep telling him there are great things out in the world out of the womb... such as Mommy, Daddy, Natalie, chocolate cake, the changing leaves, milk... but he doesn't seem to want to listen.
At my 38 week appointment last Tuesday, I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. For those who don't know much about it (or were too afraid to ask!), dilation is the horizontal movement of the cervix and effacement is the vertical movement of the cervix. Both need to be done to get the baby out. I need to get to 10 cm's and 100% effacement. So now you are in the know!

This past weekend, Natalie got to spend time with the Fitch's again as Todd and I went to Mandy and OB's wedding. It was a really great wedding... they were introduced at the reception following a small marching band of bagpipers! HOW COOL!

I even got out on the dance floor and danced (I think people thought I was insane). I figured it couldn't hurt my cause. Oh, they had awesome cake too (pumpkin cake I think... something like a spice cake) and it was even served with vanilla ice cream. It made this extremely pregnant woman very happy!!! It was really great to hang out with the whole Wilmington crew (minus Greg and Jan... who are about to have their second baby out in California any day now). Greg was supposed to be in the wedding too, so it was sad we couldn't see him. But even Kern and Dorothy came out from Seattle!

The dragon made an appearance at the wedding as well. He hasn't been seen or heard from since our wedding in 2005. It's a long story about a large dragon medallion that Kern's mom got him for Christmas one year. Now it makes appearances at weddings and bachelor parties. Everyone wears it and makes gang signs and we take a ton of pictures.

I'm re-reading this as I'm writing it and it sounds rather lame, but it is actually very funny. I guess you had to be there. I especially liked the picture of Dorothy, her dad, and Mike Morris! And a wedding isn't complete unless Kern is making some kind of goofy face. The guy has a real talent for it! (See attached!) The other picture is of me, with a basketball under my dress! Or a baby... one or the other.
Meanwhile, Todd, Natalie and I all have minor colds. Nothing too bad, but enough to make us just want to hang out and rest and watch football on Sunday afternoon (even though we have a few more things to do before Baby G gets here). I'm already feeling better today and it seems like Todd and Natalie are too. If only all colds could be this easy!
Congrats to my friend Brian and his wife Shawn, who are expecting their second in April!
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