I'm obsessed with the countdown clock.
We finally bought baby G some furniture. We got a good deal at Baby Furniture Warehouse in Reading. Natalie had a good time playing in the toy section, and we, sadly, had to watch the Red Sox season come to an end on the television they had there. G's furniture will be delivered next Thursday! Hopefully he won't come before then.
Todd and Natalie have today off... it's Columbus Day! They went to the park and to Panera Bread, and Natalie started complaining of ear pain. I can't really figure that one out. Of course, the doctor is closed for the rest of the afternoon as they are operating on a "Sunday schedule." Naturally! I was thinking about it, and since she hasn't had a cold, and we've been very diligent about not getting water in her ears at bathtime, I can't figure out why her ears have been hurting. But then I was thinking... she actually has sneezed a handful of times in the last couple of days. Not a ton, like she normally does, just maybe 5 or 6 times. No runny nose, only a few random sneezes. Can she be that sensitive? A handful of sneezes and we get an ear infection? I must sneeze 10-15 times every day due to the amount of dust in my office (and sadly, this is a company wide thing because it did not get any better when I switched offices!). It's actually become kind of a joke for those who sit around me. Anyhoo... so maybe she had a little cold that we missed? Unfortunately, I have my own doctor's appointment at 8:15 tomorrow morning. It stinks not being able to be ubiquitous for your family.
Back to the weekend... Todd and I had a fun time at the UNH-Villanova homecoming football game! UNH was ranked #5, and they beat #2 ranked Villanova! How about that for a homecoming game. Sheesh, Auburn usually schedules someone like the Citadel or Southeastern Louisiana Univeristy or someone like that for homecoming. UNH schedules the #2 team in the FCS! It was a close game though, and it was very breezy and the wind was a factor. Natalie got to hang out with her cousins and Aunt Helen and Uncle Gordie in Wilmington. Unfortunately the football game was at noon, which is pretty close to her naptime. Helen and Gordie were awesome to watch her. She had so much fun with cousin Lulu. They made cookies together and decorated a pumpkin with markers.
Now we are in the homestretch...
We finally bought baby G some furniture. We got a good deal at Baby Furniture Warehouse in Reading. Natalie had a good time playing in the toy section, and we, sadly, had to watch the Red Sox season come to an end on the television they had there. G's furniture will be delivered next Thursday! Hopefully he won't come before then.
Todd and Natalie have today off... it's Columbus Day! They went to the park and to Panera Bread, and Natalie started complaining of ear pain. I can't really figure that one out. Of course, the doctor is closed for the rest of the afternoon as they are operating on a "Sunday schedule." Naturally! I was thinking about it, and since she hasn't had a cold, and we've been very diligent about not getting water in her ears at bathtime, I can't figure out why her ears have been hurting. But then I was thinking... she actually has sneezed a handful of times in the last couple of days. Not a ton, like she normally does, just maybe 5 or 6 times. No runny nose, only a few random sneezes. Can she be that sensitive? A handful of sneezes and we get an ear infection? I must sneeze 10-15 times every day due to the amount of dust in my office (and sadly, this is a company wide thing because it did not get any better when I switched offices!). It's actually become kind of a joke for those who sit around me. Anyhoo... so maybe she had a little cold that we missed? Unfortunately, I have my own doctor's appointment at 8:15 tomorrow morning. It stinks not being able to be ubiquitous for your family.
Back to the weekend... Todd and I had a fun time at the UNH-Villanova homecoming football game! UNH was ranked #5, and they beat #2 ranked Villanova! How about that for a homecoming game. Sheesh, Auburn usually schedules someone like the Citadel or Southeastern Louisiana Univeristy or someone like that for homecoming. UNH schedules the #2 team in the FCS! It was a close game though, and it was very breezy and the wind was a factor. Natalie got to hang out with her cousins and Aunt Helen and Uncle Gordie in Wilmington. Unfortunately the football game was at noon, which is pretty close to her naptime. Helen and Gordie were awesome to watch her. She had so much fun with cousin Lulu. They made cookies together and decorated a pumpkin with markers.
Now we are in the homestretch...
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