Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fun at the Farmer's Market

We got up early (around 7-7:30, which is pretty early for our kids) on Saturday and went down to Bakery on the Common for some breakfast and then across the street to the town square and the Farmer's Market. We got some of our favorite black bean salsa and some salstina (made of peas, parmesan cheese, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and spices made into a paste to put on crackers or bread). There weren't any fruit/veggie stands - this was the first weekend for the farmer's market - so we were a bit disappointed in that. We put Grant in the Jeep Carrier for the first time, and he really liked it.

Then we came home and did some planting.  I planted a few plants that Carole gave me for Mother's Day along with our Topsy Turvy strawberries.  We also repotted a basil that we bought at the Farmer's Market in the morning.  They said the bigger the pot you put it in, the bigger it will grow.  GOOD!  We love basil.  Then we had some playtime on the floor with Grant. He's very into this mirror (which was Natalie's) and laughs every time he sees himself. 

Natalie tried to give her brother some lovin' last evening and I happened to snap a cute picture, even though Grant looks terrified.

This, however, is what it escalated to.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, this is the funniest thing I have seen in a while!!!! Awesome commentary!


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