This post is for Rob, who asked in the comments section of my last post about this how my eyes were doing.
Well, it's been over 2 months and they are GREAT!!! I don't have any pain at all, and my vision is perfect. I have another follow up next week, so I'll be sure to post more on how I'm doing, even if it's just a quick blurb. As you know, I didn't have Lasik- I had advanced surface ablation, which is a little different with the same out come. I had a slight astigmatism, and slightly weakened corneas, so this was determined to be the best procedure for me based on these things. The recover was kind of tough for a few days, as I felt like scratching my eyeballs out, but it only lasted a few days, and a few adult beverages took the edge off and I slept for 12 hours straight. The best thing you can do for your eyes is SLEEP. So if anyone plans on doing this, and has ASA rather than Lasik, I recommend you either a) get a babysitter if you have kids or dogs, or b) make sure your spouse has a handle on the kids/dogs. But about 5 days after the surgery, they took out the hard contact lenses, and that made a BIG difference. Every day got a little better, and a week after surgery, I would say I was pretty close to 100%. For a few weeks, I was having a bit of trouble with halos (and I think almost everyone gets those) but I have been taking my eye drops and vitamin C religiously, so that has helped. With it now being dark when I go to CrossFit in the morning, or dark when I drive to the chiropractor at night, I've noticed a huge improvement. The moon still ocassionally halos, but that's about it. It doesn't affect my driving, because even if the "red light" haloed, I could still see that it was red! People, houses, street signs, etc. did not have halos. Just bright lights, and only when you look directly at them.
When I last went to the doctor, I was 20/16, and could even read a few letters on the 20/12 line. I had to go searching for it, but I was previously -2.00 prescription in one eye, and -1.75 in another. I think I was about 20/90 and 20/80, or pretty close to that.