Above is a picture from our recent trip to Paul Revere's house. This is a moment where Natalie was actually behaving. :-)
This past weekend, Kathleen (Todd's sister) was awesome enough to watch Natalie for two nights while Todd and I went out to Wellfleet to spend a few nights hanging out with our friends Alesandro (Cooch) and Karen. O.B. joined us Saturday night as well. We had a grand time... just hanging out and catching up. Because we all have very busy lives with jobs, kids, homes, etc., even when we all get together, it feels like there isn't enough time to talk and catch up (plus, I feel we're always spread so darn thin because there are too many of those Wilmington-ites!). So it was really good to see them. Saturday, we went out to Provincetown and walked around, enjoying the sites, eating a yummy lunch of conch fritters, and a gruyere, onion, bacon, and apple sandwich (which Todd and I split). We had to leave room for FUDGE! Yum. It rained a little bit when we were out there, but for the most part it stayed dry and temps were in the low 70s- very comfortable. We also hit the farmer's market for some delicious mozzarella, fresh basil, peppers, and corn on the cob. AND we were lucky enough to see the Yankee Lambda Car Club roll by in their parade of old cars. They are a gay classic car owner's society, and they were a real trip. Only one drag queen though, bummer. :-)
O.B. joined us for dinner, and Cooch made an awesome chili. Not too spicy, full of flavor, and we ate it with mozzarella and cornbread. (In addition to a caprese salad Karen made!). We watched a little football, and a little bit of Jaws (in honor of the great white sharks that are swarming around Chatham!), and didn't go to bed until 1 am! OUCH. Todd and I were hurting all day on Sunday. We were exhausted. I went to bed at around 8:45 and we "slept in" until 6:45. I slept pretty well Sunday night, so I am not feeling too bad on this Monday morning.
Tomorrow is my 33rd birthday (did I just write that? I thought a woman never told her age!) and I have my 33 week appointment with the doctor in the afternoon. (How about that! 33 weeks on my 33rd birthday). It's my last one until my weekly's start at 36 weeks. It's getting down to the wire. Todd and I have a lot to do before he gets here and we are going to try to get it done in the next 3-4 weeks so I can really relax at the end. (And not worry in case he comes early).
Happy Birthday Colleener!! You're the best Mom in the world- and you deserve lots of fun, love, chocolate and CAKE!! :)
ReplyDelete- Sounds like you had a lot of other food over the weekend from the Cape to Paul Revere's house- what a fun, awesome weekend. Tomorrow...49 days to go! :)
Love, Buzz and Tom